Acronym | Definition |
CNF | Configuration (File Name Extension) |
CNF | Conference |
CNF | Carbon Nanofiber (composite) |
CNF | Creative Nonfiction (also known as literary or narrative nonfiction) |
CNF | Could Not Find |
CNF | Cellulose Nanofiber |
CNF | Certificat de Nationalité Française (French: Certificate of French Nationality) |
CNF | Conjunctive Normal Form |
CNF | Commission Nationale Féminine (French: National Commission for Women) |
CNF | Canadian Nature Federation |
CNF | Chaos Normal Form |
CNF | Conference Link |
CNF | Configuration |
CNF | Cisco Netflow |
CNF | Cleveland National Forest (California) |
CNF | Confine |
CNF | Chin National Front (Burma) |
CNF | Common Navigator Framework (software) |
CNF | Canadian Nurses Foundation |
CNF | Cornell NanoScale Facility |
CNF | Commonwealth Naval Forces (Australia) |
CNF | Cytotoxic Necrotizing Factor |
CNF | Chippewa National Forest (Minnesota) |
CNF | Cost and Freight |
CNF | Chomsky Normal Form (formal language theory) |
CNF | Championnat National Français (French: French National Championships; gaming) |
CNF | Canadian Nutrient File |
CNF | Chugach National Forest (US Forest Service) |
CNF | Consolidated Freightways, Inc. (stock symbol) |
CNF | Cámara Nacional Forestal |
CNF | Canadian Neutron Facility (proposed replacement reactor for the NRU research reactor in Chalk River Ontario) |
CNF | Child Neurology Foundation |
CNF | Commonwealth Nurses Federation (UK) |
CNF | Cold Nuclear Fusion |
CNF | Consejo Nacional de la Fauna |
CNF | Central Neutralization Facility |
CNF | Belo Horizonte /Belo Horizon, Minas Gerais, Brazil Aeropuerto Internacional Tancredo Neves (Airport Code) |
CNF | Community Networking Forum |
CNF | Computer Navigation Fix |
CNF | California Nurses Foundation (Oakland, California) |
CNF | Cercle Nautique de France |
CNF | Cost No Fee (contract) |
CNF | City of Niagara Falls |
CNF | Computer and Network Forensics |
CNF | Commander Naval Forces |
CNF | California Nigerian Forum |
CNF | Club Nacional de Football (Uruguay; national soccer team) |
CNF | Carbon Neutral Fuel (energy) |
CNF | Congenital Nephrosis Finnish |
CNF | Cornell Nanofabrication Center (Ithica, NY) |
CNF | Constant Noise Figure (amplifiers) |
CNF | Computational Network Federation |