DBNDoD (Department of Defense) Benefits Number
DBNDiabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
DBNDevelopment Business Network (various locations)
DBN1, 5-Diazabicyclo(4.3.0)Non-5-Ene (chemical compound)
DBNDécolletage de Basse Normandie (French: Turning of Lower Normandy)
DBNDelve Business Network
DBNDoing Business - Not
DBNDialog Broadband Networks (Dialog Telekom PLC; Sri Lanka)
DBNDon Boule de Neige (French: Don Snowball)
DBNDe Bonis Non (Legal: appointment of a personal representative to a vacancy)
DBNDivisible by None (band)
DBNDeep Belief Network (machine learning)
DBNDynamic Bayes Network
DBNData Bus Network
DBNDial-Back Number
DBNDay Beacon
DBNDomain-Border Node
DBNDigital Billboard Network (Australia)
DBNDrunk Before Noon
DBNDatabase Notification
DBNDistrict Borough Number (New York City Department of Education school identifier)
DBNDirected Bipartite Network