CSIPComprehensive School Improvement Plan
CSIPCare Services Improvement Partnership (UK)
CSIPClient Server Ip
CSIPCommercial Stable Image Platform
CSIPCompressed Sources Ibm Pc
CSIPCirrus Standardized Instructor Pilot (Cirrus Aircraft)
CSIPCommercial Stable Image Platform (AMD)
CSIPCenter for Signal and Image Processing (Georgia Tech)
CSIPContract Support Integration Plan (US DoD)
CSIPContinuous Service Improvement Programme (IT Service Management)
CSIPCollaborative Signal and Information Processing
CSIPCloud Services Innovation Platform (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
CSIPCoordination Syndicale Interprofessionnelle de la Piscine (French: Pool Industry Trade Union Coordination)
CSIPChallenge, Support and Intervention Plan (UK)
CSIPCalifornia Space Infrastructure Program
CSIPCustomer Service Improvement Plan
CSIPComponent Sponsored Investment Program
CSIPCriminal Statute Identification Program
CSIPCombat Systems Improvement Program
CSIPCombat and Special Interest Programs
CSIPCrew Systems Integration and Protection
CSIPCementitious Structural Insulated Panel