Acronym | Definition |
CSL | Coordinated Science Laboratory |
CSL | California State Library |
CSL | Console |
CSL | Community Service Learning (various locations) |
CSL | Computer Science Logic |
CSL | Cabo San Lucas (Mexico) |
CSL | Computer Systems Laboratory (NIST) |
CSL | Central Science Laboratory |
CSL | Connecticut State Library |
CSL | Caml Special Light |
CSL | Communications Server for Linux |
CSL | Call Support Layer |
CSL | Coupe Sports Lightweight |
CSL | Colorado State Library (Denver, CO) |
CSL | Combined Single Limit (insurance liability limits of coverage) |
CSL | Clinical Skills Lab (various locations) |
CSL | Comma Separated List |
CSL | Computer Sciences Laboratory (Australian National university, Canberra, Australia) |
CSL | Côte Saint-Luc (Montreal District) |
CSL | Computer Sciences Laboratory |
CSL | Comium Sierra Leone (est. 2005) |
CSL | Chinese Super League |
CSL | Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL Limited, Australian biopharmaceutical company) |
CSL | Communication Services Ltd. (various locations) |
CSL | Creosote Sweeping Log (fireplace cleaning product) |
CSL | Can't Stop Laughing |
CSL | Current Steering Logic |
CSL | Coast Soccer League (Orange, Caliafornia) |
CSL | Crosshole Sonic Logging |
CSL | Center for Strategic Leadership (US Army War College) |
CSL | Construction Supervisors License (Massachusetts) |
CSL | Corn Steep Liquor |
CSL | Canada Student Loan |
CSL | Continuous Stochastic Logic |
CSL | Columbus School of Law (Catholic University of America; Washington, DC) |
CSL | Cooperative Security Locations |
CSL | Customer Satisfaction Level |
CSL | Command Selection List (US Army) |
CSL | Club Subaquatique du Léman (French: Lake Geneva Underwater Club) |
CSL | Club Subaquatique Lorientais (French: Lorient Underwater Club; Lorent, France) |
CSL | Child Slave Labor |
CSL | Casal (Portuguese postal usage) |
CSL | Computer Security Laboratory (various schools) |
CSL | Code Snippet Library (programming) |
CSL | Canada Steamship Lines, Inc. |
CSL | Consoles Sports League (gaming) |
CSL | CenturyTel Solutions, LLC (Monroe, LA) |
CSL | Chip Support Library |
CSL | Clive Staples Lewis (author) |
CSL | Calcium Stearoyl Lactylate (food grade emulsifier) |
CSL | Cub Scout Leader |
CSL | Critical Service Level |
CSL | Curtis-Straus LLC (Bureau Veritas Group; various locations) |
CSL | Caustic Soda Lye |
CSL | Cochin Shipyard Ltd (Cochin, India) |
CSL | Case Study Library |
CSL | Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory (University of Miami; Miami, FL) |
CSL | Canada Safeway Limited (real estate) |
CSL | Combat Stores List (US DoD) |
CSL | Customer Service Level |
CSL | Control Systems Laboratory |
CSL | Cognitive Sciences Laboratory |
CSL | Colomer Service Location (France) |
CSL | Chimney Sweeping Log |
CSL | Context Sensitive Learning (software) |
CSL | Cyber Security Liaison (US Air Force) |
CSL | Configurable System Logic (Tricend Corporation System-on-Chip technology) |
CSL | Computer Sensitive Language |
CSL | Contractual Service Level |
CSL | Charter Seat License (sports tickets) |
CSL | Ceskoslovenska Strana Lidova (Czechoslovak People's Party) |
CSL | Coupe Sport Lightweight (BMW) |
CSL | Corridor Sands Ltd |
CSL | Career Services Library (University of Northern Iowa) |
CSL | Common Sound Layer (computing) |
CSL | Caldwell Securities, Ltd. (Canada) |
CSL | Crocus Sativus Lectin (plants) |
CSL | Community Software Lab |
CSL | Chemical Synthesis Laboratory (Singapore) |
CSL | Climate Simulation Laboratory (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research) |
CSL | Controlled Shipment Level (various companies) |
CSL | Conseil Scientifique Local (French: Local Scientific Council) |
CSL | Chobe Savanna Lodge (Namibia) |
CSL | Community Sports Leader |
CSL | Crescent Shipping Lines (Pakistan) |
CSL | Company Special License (now Special License Company; Seychelles) |
CSL | Centre Spatiale de Liege (French) |
CSL | Commission Scolaire des Laurentides |
CSL | Corporate Site License |
CSL | Component Specification Language |
CSL | Current Sinking Logic |
CSL | Coin Supervising Link |
CSL | Compound Sodium Lactate (intravenous fluid) |
CSL | Customer Service Leader |
CSL | Current Studies in Linguistics |
CSL | Command Signal Limiter (NASA) |
CSL | Computation Structures Language |
CSL | Caritas Sri Lanka (Catholic Bishops' Conference of Sri Lanka) |
CSL | Cyber Security Lab |
CSL | Configuration Specification Language |
CSL | Computer Status Lights (NASA) |
CSL | Computer System Limited |
CSL | Clogged Stream Lands |
CSL | Cross Street Location (emergency services) |
CSL | Cadet Squadron Leader |
CSL | Crew Systems Laboratory (NASA) |
CSL | Central Selection List |
CSL | Commander Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet |
CSL | Competitive Sustainment Level (US Army) |
CSL | Combat Skill Level (gaming, Hero System 5th Edition) |
CSL | Control & Simulation Language |
CSL | Calibration Services Laboratory |
CSL | Context Switching Logic |
CSL | Community Systems Liaison |
CSL | Colorado Senior Lobby |
CSL | Communications Service of Louisiana |
CSL | Character Segment Leader |
CSL | Commercial, State and Local Government |
CSL | Consolidated Software List |
CSL | WA State Sediment Cleanup Screening Level |
CSL | Current-Switching Logic |
CSL | Crime Scene Laboratory |
CSL | Complete Service Life |
CSL | Center for Sacred Landmarks (Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University) |
CSL | Castlemore Securities Ltd. (UK) |
CSL | Credit Security Limited (UK) |