Acronym | Definition |
CSLA | California School Library Association |
CSLA | Canadian Society of Landscape Architects |
CSLA | California State University, Los Angeles |
CSLA | Component-based Scalable Logical Architecture (Rockford Lhotka) |
CSLA | Community Sports Leadership Award |
CSLA | Church and Synagogue Library Association |
CSLA | Canadian School Library Association |
CSLA | California School Leadership Academy |
CSLA | Communications Security Logistics Activity (US Army) |
CSLA | Chattanooga School for the Liberal Arts (Chattanooga, TN, USA) |
CSLA | Center for the Study of Los Angeles |
CSLA | Child Safety Lock Act of 2005 |
CSLA | Communications Security Logistics Agency (US Army) |
CSLA | Ceskoslovenska Lidova Armada (Czechoslovak People's Army) |
CSLA | Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984 |
CSLA | Church of Scientology, Los Angeles Organization |
CSLA | Coupled Sectorial Loop Antenna |
CSLA | California State Leadership Academy |
CSLA | Community Support Living Arrangement |
CSLA | Community Savings Loan Association |
CSLA | Contract Service Level Agreement |
CSLA | Continuous Systems-Level Assessment |
CSLA | China Sports Lottery Administration |
CSLA | Criticality Safety Limit Approval |
CSLA | Czecho Slovak Liberation Army (Unreal clan) |
CSLA | Comparative Study of Linguistic Attitudes |
CSLA | California Summer Language Adventure |
CSLA | Context Switching Logic Array |
CSLA | Cal State LA Athletics |
CSLA | Corporate and Securities Law Association |
CSLA | COMSUBLANT Alt (Commander Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet, Alternate) |
CSLA | Classroom Sign Language Assessment |
CSLA | Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging |
CSLA | Customer Service Level Agreement |
CSLA | Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 (UK) |
CSLA | Community Service Learning Abroad |