Acronym | Definition |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CPI | Characters Per Inch |
CPI | Continuous Process Improvement |
CPI | Calling Party Identification |
CPI | Cost Per Inquire/Inquiry (advertising) |
CPI | Communist Party of India (political party) |
CPI | Crisis Prevention and Intervention |
CPI | Corte Penal Internacional (Spanish: International Criminal Court; Netherlands) |
CPI | Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle (French: Intellectual Property Code) |
CPI | Corruption Perceptions Index (US trade) |
CPI | Communications Power Industries (formerly Varian) |
CPI | Comissao Parlamentar de Inquerito (Brazil) |
CPI | Communication Products, Inc. (Indianapolis, IN) |
CPI | Crisis Prevention Institute |
CPI | Creative Publishing International (Minnesota) |
CPI | Cost Performance Index |
CPI | Classe Préparatoire Intégrée (French: Integrated Preparatory Class) |
CPI | Crop Production Index |
CPI | California Psychological Inventory (est. 1956) |
CPI | Centre de Perfectionnement Interprofessionnel (French: Interprofessional Development Center; Switzerland) |
CPI | Center for Public Integrity |
CPI | Conan Properties International (Beverly Hills, CA) |
CPI | Cycles Per Instruction |
CPI | Certificat Provisoire d'Immatriculation (French: Provisional Certificate of Registration) |
CPI | Centrum Promocji Informatyki (Polish: Center for Informatics) |
CPI | Culture of Peace Initiative (UN) |
CPI | Czech Property Investments (real estate; various locations) |
CPI | Central Port Injection (fuel injection) |
CPI | Cooperative Producers, Inc. (Hastings, NE) |
CPI | Columbia Pictures Industries (film production) |
CPI | China Policy Institute (UK) |
CPI | Commercial Property Investments |
CPI | Colorado Preservation, Inc. (Denver, CO) |
CPI | Count per Inch |
CPI | Computer to Pbx Interface |
CPI | Communication Programming Interface |
CPI | Channel Path Images |
CPI | Computer Peripherals Inc. |
CPI | Central Port Injection |
CPI | Compare Immediate |
CPI | Code Page Information |
CPI | Cost per Interaction |
CPI | Cisco Product Identification |
CPI | Cost per Impression |
CPI | Capabilities and Preferences Information |
CPI | Control Program Interface |
CPI | Colorlab Processed Image |
CPI | Compare and Increment |
CPI | Clocks per Instruction |
CPI | Curioso Pero Inutil (Spanish: Curious but Futile; blog) |
CPI | Corn Products International (various locations) |
CPI | Credit Protection Insurance (various companies) |
CPI | Common Programming Interface |
CPI | Chemical Process Industries |
CPI | Cisco Product Identification (software) |
CPI | Création d'un Produit Innovant (French: Creation of an Innovative Product) |
CPI | Competition Policy Implementation (working group) |
CPI | Critical Path Initiative (various organizations) |
CPI | Cost Per Impression (advertising) |
CPI | Committee on Public Information |
CPI | Creative Pultrusions, Inc. (Alum Bank, PA) |
CPI | Common Part Indicator |
CPI | Centro de Promoção de Investimentos (Investment Promotion Centre, Mozambique) |
CPI | Collateral Protection Insurance |
CPI | Control Products, Inc. (East Hanover, NJ) |
CPI | Council of Principal Investigators (various organizations) |
CPI | Criminal Procedure and Investigations (law; UK) |
CPI | Code Page Information (File Name Extension) |
CPI | Critical Program Information (US DoD) |
CPI | Consistent Presentation of Images (medical products) |
CPI | Center for Productivity Improvement (various organizations) |
CPI | Civilian Police International |
CPI | Counterpart International |
CPI | Clock Per Instruction |
CPI | Canadian Petroleum Industry (sector) |
CPI | Community Policing Initiative (various locations) |
CPI | Clinical Process Improvement (various organizations) |
CPI | Critical Path Institute (Arizona and Maryland) |
CPI | Cloud Particle Imager |
CPI | Consumer Protection Initiative (various locations) |
CPI | Choeur Philharmonique International (French: International Philharmonic Choir) |
CPI | Canada Pork International |
CPI | Certified Pilates Instructor |
CPI | Continual Process Improvement |
CPI | Commercial Properties, Inc (Portland, ME) |
CPI | Continuous Public Involvement (various organizations) |
CPI | Citigroup Property Investors |
CPI | Church Planting Initiative (UK) |
CPI | Centre de Plongée d'Illkirch (French diving center) |
CPI | Child Protective Investigator |
CPI | Certified Postsecondary Instructor (National Center for Competency Testing) |
CPI | Chile Pepper Institute (New Mexico State University) |
CPI | Commercial Photographers International (Atlanta, GA) |
CPI | Combined Paternity Index |
CPI | Coating Place, Inc. (Verona, WI) |
CPI | Consumer Policy Institute (Yonkers, New York) |
CPI | Corrugated Plate Interceptor (oil production & treatment) |
CPI | Community Philanthropy Initiative |
CPI | College Preparatory, Inc. |
CPI | Core Price Inflation (measure of inflation) |
CPI | Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology (Pleasant Gap, Pennsylvania) |
CPI | Church Publishing Incorporated |
CPI | Critical Performance Indicator |
CPI | Competition Policy Institute |
CPI | Coherent Processing Interval |
CPI | College Partnership, Inc. |
CPI | Crash Position Indicator |
CPI | Chemical Patents Index |
CPI | Cost Per Interview (market research) |
CPI | Continental Pole of Inaccessibility (furthest point from the sea) |
CPI | Certified Property Inspector |
CPI | Computer-to-PBX Interface |
CPI | Cross-Pole Interference (digital communications) |
CPI | Cours Pénale Internationale (French: International Criminal Court) |
CPI | Crop Protection Institute (Canada) |
CPI | Certified Professional Instructor (National Instruments Corporation) |
CPI | Community Progress Initiative (various locations) |
CPI | Chronic Public Inebriate |
CPI | Coastal Plains Institute (Florida, USA) |
CPI | Caldecott Productions International (Singapore) |
CPI | Coordinamento Professori Idonei (Italian: Appropriate Coordination Professors) |
CPI | Comparable Performance Indicators |
CPI | Cleft Palate Isolated |
CPI | Capacity, Philanthropy and Interest (fundraising) |
CPI | Counter-Proliferation Initiative |
CPI | Continuous Product Innovation |
CPI | Continuity Programs, Inc. (Walled Lake, MI) |
CPI | Chip Package Interaction |
CPI | Cooperative Preschool Inventory |
CPI | Certified Professional Installer |
CPI | Couch Potato Index |
CPI | China Philatelic Information (Chinese stamp authority) |
CPI | Computer-Processed Interpretation |
CPI | Car Position Indicator (elevators) |
CPI | Cross Pointer Indicator (NASA) |
CPI | Common Physical Interface |
CPI | Catalytic Products International, Inc. (Echo Lake, Illinois) |
CPI | Chemical and Petroleum Industry |
CPI | Command Performance Inspection (US Navy) |
CPI | Common Process Integration |
CPI | Civilian Personnel Instructions |
CPI | Communications Processor and Interface |
CPI | Contractor Preliminary Inspection |
CPI | Colectric Partners, Inc. |
CPI | Construction Pollution Index |
CPI | Congo Peace Initiative (South Africa) |
CPI | Commence Primary Ignition (Star Wars) |
CPI | Certified Plumbing Inspector |
CPI | Cathodyne Phase Inverter |
CPI | Colibria Philippines, Inc. |
CPI | Cost Plus Incentives (contract) |
CPI | Center for Public Initiatives (University of Scranton) |
CPI | Cross Program Integration |
CPI | Civilian Personnel Integration |
CPI | Conditional Priority Inheritance |
CPI | Command Performance Indicator |
CPI | Client Program Interface (computing) |
CPI | Company Provided Item |
CPI | Creative Presentations Incorporated |
CPI | Comprehensive Package Integration |
CPI | Compliance Program Implementation |
CPI | Concrete Pipe Institute (Vienna, VA) |
CPI | Clutch Pressure Indicator |
CPI | Contractor Performance Inspection |
CPI | Customer Provided Items |
CPI | Current Precipitation Index (rainfall measure) |
CPI | Custom Patient Instrumentation (orthopaedic industry) |
CPI | Consolidated Pipeline Inc. |