Acronym | Definition |
CPM | Cost Per Thousand (impressions) |
CPM | Control Program for Microcomputers (early 8 bit operating system) |
CPM | Chronic Pain Management |
CPM | Certified Property Manager |
CPM | Corporate Performance Management |
CPM | Continuous Passive Motion (orthopedics treatment modality) |
CPM | Critical Path Method |
CPM | Crisis Prevention and Management (Vermont) |
CPM | Codigo Penal Militar (Portuguese: Military Penal Code; Brazil) |
CPM | Combinatorial Pattern Matching |
CPM | Certified Public Manager (US) |
CPM | Component Parts and Materials (committees) |
CPM | Center for Preventive Medicine (various locations) |
CPM | Center for Performance Measurement (various organizations) |
CPM | Counts Per Minute |
CPM | Commercial Property Manager |
CPM | Copies Per Minute |
CPM | Crop Production Management (North Dakota) |
CPM | Cost Per Mille |
CPM | Certified Professional Midwife |
CPM | College Preparatory Mathematics |
CPM | Construction Project Management |
CPM | Communications Project Management (various locations) |
CPM | Centres de Préparation au Mariage (French: Centers for Marriage Preparation) |
CPM | Contingency Planning Management |
CPM | Certified Payroll Manager |
CPM | Cotton Pest Management (agriculture) |
CPM | Chemistry Pre-Med (various schools) |
CPM | Credit Portfolio Management |
CPM | Christian Pentecostal Mission (outreach ministry) |
CPM | Child Protection Mediation (various locations) |
CPM | Central Park Media (US anime/manga publisher) |
CPM | Certified Professional Manager |
CPM | Commercial Project Management (various locations) |
CPM | Cents Per Mile (trucking industry) |
CPM | Continuous Phase Modulation |
CPM | Citrix Password Manager |
CPM | Cost per Market |
CPM | Copper Passthru Module |
CPM | Challenge Pro Mode |
CPM | Communications Performance Monitor |
CPM | Cisco Photonics Manager |
CPM | Conceptual Process Model |
CPM | Control Program for Microprocessors |
CPM | Certified Project Manager |
CPM | Conference Preparatory Meeting (ITU) |
CPM | Coût par Mille (French: Cost per Thousand) |
CPM | Clinical Practice Management (various organizations) |
CPM | Cycles Per Minute |
CPM | Certified Purchasing Manager |
CPM | Coast Property Management (various locations) |
CPM | Collaborative Production Management |
CPM | Conflict Prevention Mechanism (various locations) |
CPM | Cents Per Minute |
CPM | Certificate Program in Management (various schools) |
CPM | Central Pontine Myelinolysis (neurologic disease) |
CPM | Clicks per Minute |
CPM | Challenge ProMode Arena (Quake gaming) |
CPM | Certified Practising Marketer (Australia) |
CPM | Church Planting Movement |
CPM | Communications Processor Module |
CPM | Content Planning Module (US Navy) |
CPM | Collaborative Project Management |
CPM | Characters Per Minute |
CPM | Civilian Personnel Management (USACE) |
CPM | College of Performance Management (Project Management Institute) |
CPM | Computer Power Management |
CPM | Condo Project Manager (software) |
CPM | Client Policy Manager (security software) |
CPM | Capital Program Management |
CPM | Communist Party of Malaya |
CPM | Caisse de Prévoyance Mulhousienne (French: Mulhouse Provident Fund; Mulhouse, France) |
CPM | Cost Per Minute |
CPM | Central Policy Manager (various companies) |
CPM | Consumer Product Manufacturing (various organizations) |
CPM | Comprehensive Performance Management |
CPM | Critical Phase Matching |
CPM | Care Planning Meeting |
CPM | Carboxypeptidase M (protein) |
CPM | Center for Practice Management (various organizations) |
CPM | Choeur Philharmonique de Marseille (French: Marseille Philharmonic Choir; Marseille, France) |
CPM | Common Programming Model (software development) |
CPM | Continuous Performance Monitoring (software) |
CPM | Creative Production Management (Los Angeles, CA) |
CPM | Certified Product Manager |
CPM | Control Program Monitor |
CPM | Call Progress Monitoring (software) |
CPM | Contract Performance Management |
CPM | Centre for Popular Memory (University of Cape Town; South Africa) |
CPM | Crucible Particle Metallurgy (proprietary steel manufacturing process) |
CPM | Chartered Portfolio Manager |
CPM | Cards Per Minute |
CPM | Civilian Personnel Manual |
CPM | Colliding Pulse Mode (Locked Laser) |
CPM | Comptoir Pharmaceutique et Médical (French: Pharmaceutical and Medical Counter) |
CPM | Composite Page Mode (computing) |
CPM | Centre Provençal de la Mucoviscidose (French cystic fibrosis center) |
CPM | Control Program for Microprocessors (less common) |
CPM | Critical Parameter Management (Six Sigma) |
CPM | Control Processor Module |
CPM | Constant Passive Motion |
CPM | Channel Photomultiplier |
CPM | Customer Program Management |
CPM | Canadian Postal Museum |
CPM | Church Planting Missionary |
CPM | California Pellet Mill Co |
CPM | Career Program Manager (US DoD) |
CPM | Capability Portfolio Manager |
CPM | Communist Party of India, Marxists |
CPM | Customer Profile Management |
CPM | Center for Precision Metrology (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) |
CPM | Country Program Manager |
CPM | Central Processor Module |
CPM | Cloud Parameterization and Modeling (US Department of Energy) |
CPM | Chamber Pressure Management (semiconductors) |
CPM | Compagnie des Parquets Massifs (French: Solid Flooring Company) |
CPM | Communist Party of Malaysia (est. 1983) |
CPM | Client Project Manager |
CPM | Capital Project Management, Inc. |
CPM | Cost Performance Management |
CPM | Contractor Performance Measurement |
CPM | Compressed Pattern Matching (data compression) |
CPM | Cesarean Prevention Movement (now ICAN) |
CPM | Compensation Policy Memoranda (OPM) |
CPM | Continuous Presence Multipoint |
CPM | Center Program Manager |
CPM | Continuously Powered Main Storage |
CPM | Cluster Processor Module |
CPM | Community Panel Member (various locations) |
CPM | Copper Pass-Thru Module (IBM) |
CPM | Category-Partition Method |
CPM | Coordinadora Político-Militar (El Salvador) |
CPM | Congregation of the Fathers of Mercy (religious order) |
CPM | CVX Policy Manager |
CPM | Contractors Plant & Machinery (construction insurance) |
CPM | Central Password Manager (Cyber-Ark) |
CPM | Center for Pain Medicine |
CPM | Client Program Manager |
CPM | Completely Positive Map |
CPM | Community Papers of Michigan |
CPM | Customer Portfolio Margin |
CPM | Confidence Profile Method |
CPM | Core Processing Module |
CPM | Continuous Particle Monitor |
CPM | Common Point Minimum Check (airlines) |
CPM | Computer Program Module (NASA) |
CPM | Combination Port Module (Cisco) |
CPM | Consolidated Project Management |
CPM | Continue Present Management (Medical) |
CPM | Chemical Processes and Materials |
CPM | Call Protocol Message |
CPM | Complaints per Million (feedback analysis) |
CPM | Container/Pallet Distribution Message (aviation) |
CPM | Cincinnati Pepsi Marlins (USA-league swimteam) |
CPM | Computer Program Media |
CPM | Commander's Policy Memorandums (USACE) |
CPM | Cost Performance Measure |
CPM | Computer Program Protection Manager |
CPM | Critical Performance Measure |
CPM | California Pavement Maintenance Company, Inc. |
CPM | Called Party Free Message (ITU-T) |
CPM | Change and Problem Management (Sprint) |
CPM | Computer Project Manager |
CPM | Copra Meal |
CPM | Cell Processing Module (Sprint) |
CPM | Central Processor and Memory (Nortel) |
CPM | Construction/Contract Project Manager |
CPM | Construction Procedures Manual |
CPM | Common Provider Master (Database) |
CPM | Compton, California Woodley Airport (airport code) |
CPM | Center for Policy Modeling |
CPM | Choeur Polyphonique de Montréal (Montreal, QB, Canada choir) |
CPM | Computer Performance Management/Measurement |
CPM | Cultural Pattern Model |
CPM | Certify Pin Multiplayer (Synplicity) |
CPM | Centrally Packed Meat |
CPM | Coalition to Protect Marriage |
CPM | Current Plan Month |
CPM | Cyclical Preventative Maintenance |
CPM | Common Packet Multiplexer |
CPM | Controlled Product Management |