CPMCCalifornia Pacific Medical Center (San Francisco)
CPMCColumbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
CPMCCommittee of Presidents of Medical Colleges (Australia)
CPMCCoriell Personalized Medicine Collaborative
CPMCColorado Plains Medical Center
CPMCCentre Pierre et Marie Curie (French)
CPMCCapital Purchase & Minor Construction
CPMCComputerized Planar Motion Carriage
CPMCCertified Professional Management Consultant (Management Science Institute)
CPMCContractor Performance Measurement Course
CPMCCorps Personnel Management Center
CPMCCivilian Personnel Management Center/Course
CPMCCentral Plains Mennonite Conference
CPMCCommercial Project Management Company GmbH (Berlin, Germany)
CPMCChampion Pneumatic Machinery Co, Inc
CPMCChampion Pneumatic Machinery Company, Inc