CRESChambre Régionale des Entreprises de l'Economie Sociale (French: Regional Chamber of Social Economy Enterprises)
CRESCommercial Real Estate Solutions (various locations)
CRESCompiler Resources
CRESCentre for Renewable Energy Sources (Greece)
CRESCentre for Resource and Environmental Studies
CRESConservation and Research for Endangered Species
CRESCorrosion Resistant Steel
CRESCommercial Real Estate Services
CRESCenter for Reproduction of Endangered Species
CRESCenter for Real Estate Studies
CRESCompetitive Retail Electric Supplier
CRESCompte-Rendu d'Evènement Significatif (French: Significant Occurrence Report; nuclear safety)
CRESCorporate Real Estate & Services
CRESClarion Real Estate Securities (ING)
CRESCustomized Real Estate Services (Houston, TX)
CRESCertified Real Estate Specialist (Real Estate Institute of Canada accreditation)
CRESComités Régionaux d'Éducation pour la Santé (French)
CRESCentre de Recherches Entreprises et Sociétés
CRESCertified Radiology Equipment Specialist
CRESCentre for Research in Employment Studies (University of Hertfordshire; UK)
CRESCisco Registered Envelope Service (Cisco)
CRESCash Releasing Efficiency Saving (National Health Service; UK)
CRESConferência Regional para a Educação Superior (Portuguese: Regional Conference for Higher Education; Brazil)
CRESConflict and Dispute Resolution
CRESCosumnes River Elementary School (Sloughhouse, CA)
CRESCampbell River Equipment Sales (Campbell River, BC, Canada)
CRESComputer Readability Editing System
CRESClinical Research Squadron
CRESCentre de Recherche cur l'Energie Solaire (French: Center for Research on Solar Energy)
CRESCentre for Resources Management and Environmental Studies
CRESCertified Real Estate Services (Reston, VA)