Acronym | Definition |
DDA | Disability Discrimination Act (1995, UK) |
DDA | Downtown Development Authority |
DDA | Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia (Italian; Anti-Mafia District Directorate) |
DDA | Dream Dance Alliance |
DDA | Delhi Development Authority |
DDA | Doha Development Agenda |
DDA | Débito Direto Autorizado (Portuguese: Authorized Direct Debit; Brazil) |
DDA | Deputy District Attorney |
DDA | Dynamic Digital Advertising |
DDA | Droits des Animaux (French: Animal Rights) |
DDA | District Development Authority |
DDA | Digital Directional Antenna |
DDA | Direct Directional Antenna |
DDA | Digital Data Acquisition |
DDA | Data Delivery Acknowledgement |
DDA | Due Data Availability |
DDA | Demand Deposit Account |
DDA | Dual Display Architecture |
DDA | Digital Detector Array (radiography) |
DDA | Department for Disarmament Affairs |
DDA | Déclaration des Droits d'Auteur (French: Declaration of Copyright; Canada) |
DDA | Domain Defined Attribute |
DDA | Discover Dominica Authority (tourism) |
DDA | Delaware Department of Agriculture |
DDA | Direct Debit Authorization (banking) |
DDA | Demand Driven Approach (agriculture) |
DDA | Direction Départementale de l'Agriculture (French: Departmental Directorate of Agriculture) |
DDA | Detroit Diesel-Allison |
DDA | Don't do Anything (Map Style for N, Computer Game) |
DDA | Dutch Direct Auction |
DDA | Digital Differential Analyzer |
DDA | Département des Droits Audiovisuels (French: Department of Audiovisual Rights) |
DDA | Discrete Dipole Approximation |
DDA | Department of Dramatic Art (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) |
DDA | Data Driven Architecture (computing) |
DDA | Dog Day Afternoon |
DDA | Defence Diversification Agency (UK) |
DDA | Donald Duck Adventures (comics) |
DDA | Dennis Davidson Associates (est. 1970) |
DDA | Data Distribution Agreement (contract) |
DDA | Distributed Data Access |
DDA | Deutsche Dermatologische Akademie (German: German Academy of Dermatology) |
DDA | Defensor del Asegurado (Spanish: Insurance Ombudsman; Chile) |
DDA | Dominique Danjou Automobiles (French automotive repair company) |
DDA | District Data Analyzer (software) |
DDA | Direct Deposit Advance (Wells Fargo) |
DDA | Digital Development Agency |
DDA | Deputy Director for Administration (CIA) |
DDA | Death with Dignity Act |
DDA | Dangerous Drug Act |
DDA | Demons Dance Alone (Residents album) |
DDA | Dynamic Drainage Analyser |
DDA | Data Directed Analysis (mass spectrometry) |
DDA | Deadlock Detection Algorithm |
DDA | Designated Disposition Authority (US DoD) |
DDA | Dramatic Duet Acting |
DDA | Dividend Disbursing Agent (finance) |
DDA | Durst Dice America |
DDA | Detailed Damage Assessment (American Red Cross) |
DDA | Direct Digital Access |
DDA | Digital/Digital/Analog (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering) |
DDA | Dumbing-Down of America |
DDA | Defined Display Area (ITU-T) |
DDA | Deposit Demand Account |
DDA | Director Defence Analysis |
DDA | Direct Deposit Advice |
DDA | Disabled Drummers Association |
DDA | Dodecane Dioic Acid |
DDA | Direct Duty Assignment (US Air Force) |
DDA | Designated Development Activity (US DoD) |
DDA | document description architecture |
DDA | Digital Dynamic Astigmatism (LSD) |
DDA | Disk Drive Assembly |
DDA | Derived Decision Altitude (aviation) |
DDA | Design Development Activity |
DDA | Data Driven Application |
DDA | Digital Drive Amplifier (MSR) |
DDA | Developmental Disabilities Act of 1984 |
DDA | Denver Developmental Activities (Denver Developmental Materials, Inc.) |
DDA | Deployment Drive Assembly |
DDA | Division Design Analysis |
DDA | Desktop Data Access |
DDA | Dental Dealers Association |
DDA | Drowsy Driver Alert (Volvo) |
DDA | Defence Dental Association (UK) |
DDA | Daredevils of Aspen (band) |
DDA | Directorate of Documentation & Attestation (Oman) |
DDA | Doubly Dynamic Addressing (Tolly/Kebab) |
DDA | Defense Data Access: Mid Tier Application |
DDA | Developmental Disabilities Aide |
DDA | Dynamic Design Ahmad |