DDCDewey Decimal Classification
DDCDivision of Disease Control (various locations)
DDCDirection du Développement et de la Coopération (French: Agency for Development and Cooperation; Switzerland)
DDCDroit de Comprendre (French: Right to Understand)
DDCDulux Decorator Centre (store; UK)
DDCDirect Digital Control
DDCDisplay Data Channel
DDCDoggie Day Care (various locations)
DDCDunkin' Donuts Center (Providence, RI)
DDCData Device Corporation (Bohemia, NY)
DDCDefensive Driving Course
DDCDirection du Développement Culturel (French: Directorate of Cultural Development)
DDCDifícil de Creer (Spanish: Hard to Believe; TV show; Mexico)
DDCDNA Diagnostic Centers (Ohio)
DDCDose-Dense Chemotherapy (oncology)
DDCDetroit Diesel Corporation
DDCDepartment of Design and Construction (New York City)
DDCDynamic Data Center
DDCDual Dry Clutch
DDCDisk to Disk Copy
DDCDirect Drive Clutch
DDCDouble Disc Clutch
DDCDigital Down Conversion
DDCDynamic Drive Control
DDCDirect Digital Controller
DDCDirect Display Channel
DDCDirect Department Calling
DDCDoyenne du Comice (pears)
DDCDanish Design Center (museum; Copenhagen, Denmark)
DDCDouble Discovery Center (Columbia College; New York)
DDCDistrict Development Committee (Nepal)
DDCDopa Decarboxylase
DDCDeep Dynamic Compaction (geotechnical engineering)
DDCDefense Distribution Center
DDCDouble Disc Court (game)
DDCDeputy District Commissioner (various organizations)
DDCDocument Destruction Company (Chicago, IL)
DDCDynamic Drive Control (BMW)
DDCDesktop Delivery Controller (Citrix XenDesktop VDI Load Balancer)
DDCDrink and Destroy Crew (band)
DDCDefensive Driving Certificate (various locations)
DDCDestination Delivery Charge
DDCDigital Downconverter
DDCDigital Documentation Center (various universities)
DDCDover District Council (UK)
DDCDC-to-DC Converter
DDCData Display Channel (VESA)
DDCDefense Documentation Center
DDCData Distribution Center
DDCDual Dry Clutch (cars)
DDCDéveloppement et Dynamique Commerciale (French: Development and Business Dynamics)
DDCDesert Development Center (American University, Cairo, Egypt)
DDCDigital Distribution Channel (software)
DDCDisplay Data Control
DDCDeep Dickollective (band)
DDCDelivery Distribution Center
DDCDecision Development Corporation
DDCDivision Data Center
DDCDiversité Développement Coopération (French: Diversity Development Cooperation)
DDCDigital Data Control
DDCDesktop Developers' Conference
DDCDideoxycytosine (antiviral drug)
DDCDiecasting Development Council
DDCDodge City, KS, USA - Dodge City Municipal (Airport Code)
DDCDavao Doctors College (Philippines)
DDCDigital to Digital Converter
DDCDevice-Dependent Command
DDCDigital Divide Council
DDCDefect Detection Capability
DDCDigital Dynamic Convergence
DDCDesign During Construction
DDCDarokin Diplomatic Corps (fictional, Dungeons & Dragons)
DDCDevasarana Development Centre (Sri Lanka)
DDCDetector Dewar Cooler
DDCDistributed Data Communications
DDCDigital Data Cell (NASA)
DDCDigital Data Computer
DDCDrunk and Disorderly Conduct
DDCDocument Development and Control (Matrix)
DDCDirect Dialing Call
DDCDiluted Dynamic Clean (semiconductors)
DDCDual Display Console
DDCDetection Data Converter
DDCDefense Documentation Center for Scientific & Technical Information
DDCData Display Central (USAF SACCS 465L)
DDCDiamond Dealer Club
DDCDirect Digital Chirp
DDCDemand Dependency Constraint
DDCDiebold Direct Connection
DDCdoor delivery charge
DDCDirect Design Cost
DDCDavao Diecast Club (Philippines)
DDCDuty District Controller
DDCDisaster District Center (Texas)