Acronym | Definition |
DDC | Dewey Decimal Classification |
DDC | Division of Disease Control (various locations) |
DDC | Direction du Développement et de la Coopération (French: Agency for Development and Cooperation; Switzerland) |
DDC | Droit de Comprendre (French: Right to Understand) |
DDC | Dulux Decorator Centre (store; UK) |
DDC | Direct Digital Control |
DDC | Display Data Channel |
DDC | Doggie Day Care (various locations) |
DDC | Dunkin' Donuts Center (Providence, RI) |
DDC | Data Device Corporation (Bohemia, NY) |
DDC | Defensive Driving Course |
DDC | Direction du Développement Culturel (French: Directorate of Cultural Development) |
DDC | Difícil de Creer (Spanish: Hard to Believe; TV show; Mexico) |
DDC | DNA Diagnostic Centers (Ohio) |
DDC | Dose-Dense Chemotherapy (oncology) |
DDC | Detroit Diesel Corporation |
DDC | Department of Design and Construction (New York City) |
DDC | Dynamic Data Center |
DDC | Dual Dry Clutch |
DDC | Disk to Disk Copy |
DDC | Direct Drive Clutch |
DDC | Double Disc Clutch |
DDC | Digital Down Conversion |
DDC | Dynamic Drive Control |
DDC | Direct Digital Controller |
DDC | Direct Display Channel |
DDC | Direct Department Calling |
DDC | Doyenne du Comice (pears) |
DDC | Danish Design Center (museum; Copenhagen, Denmark) |
DDC | Double Discovery Center (Columbia College; New York) |
DDC | District Development Committee (Nepal) |
DDC | Dopa Decarboxylase |
DDC | Deep Dynamic Compaction (geotechnical engineering) |
DDC | Defense Distribution Center |
DDC | Double Disc Court (game) |
DDC | Deputy District Commissioner (various organizations) |
DDC | Document Destruction Company (Chicago, IL) |
DDC | Dynamic Drive Control (BMW) |
DDC | Desktop Delivery Controller (Citrix XenDesktop VDI Load Balancer) |
DDC | Drink and Destroy Crew (band) |
DDC | Defensive Driving Certificate (various locations) |
DDC | Destination Delivery Charge |
DDC | Digital Downconverter |
DDC | Digital Documentation Center (various universities) |
DDC | Dover District Council (UK) |
DDC | DC-to-DC Converter |
DDC | Data Display Channel (VESA) |
DDC | Defense Documentation Center |
DDC | Data Distribution Center |
DDC | Dual Dry Clutch (cars) |
DDC | Développement et Dynamique Commerciale (French: Development and Business Dynamics) |
DDC | Desert Development Center (American University, Cairo, Egypt) |
DDC | Digital Distribution Channel (software) |
DDC | Display Data Control |
DDC | Deep Dickollective (band) |
DDC | Delivery Distribution Center |
DDC | Decision Development Corporation |
DDC | Division Data Center |
DDC | Diversité Développement Coopération (French: Diversity Development Cooperation) |
DDC | Digital Data Control |
DDC | Desktop Developers' Conference |
DDC | Dideoxycytosine (antiviral drug) |
DDC | Diecasting Development Council |
DDC | Dodge City, KS, USA - Dodge City Municipal (Airport Code) |
DDC | Davao Doctors College (Philippines) |
DDC | Digital to Digital Converter |
DDC | Device-Dependent Command |
DDC | Digital Divide Council |
DDC | Defect Detection Capability |
DDC | Digital Dynamic Convergence |
DDC | Design During Construction |
DDC | Darokin Diplomatic Corps (fictional, Dungeons & Dragons) |
DDC | Devasarana Development Centre (Sri Lanka) |
DDC | Detector Dewar Cooler |
DDC | Distributed Data Communications |
DDC | Digital Data Cell (NASA) |
DDC | Digital Data Computer |
DDC | Drunk and Disorderly Conduct |
DDC | Document Development and Control (Matrix) |
DDC | Direct Dialing Call |
DDC | Diluted Dynamic Clean (semiconductors) |
DDC | Dual Display Console |
DDC | Detection Data Converter |
DDC | Defense Documentation Center for Scientific & Technical Information |
DDC | Data Display Central (USAF SACCS 465L) |
DDC | Diamond Dealer Club |
DDC | Direct Digital Chirp |
DDC | Demand Dependency Constraint |
DDC | Diebold Direct Connection |
DDC | door delivery charge |
DDC | Direct Design Cost |
DDC | Davao Diecast Club (Philippines) |
DDC | Duty District Controller |
DDC | Disaster District Center (Texas) |