CNLConfédération Nationale du Logement (French: National Confederation of Housing)
CNLCentre National du Livre (French: National Book Center)
CNLClinical Nurse Leader
CNLCentre National de la Littérature (French: National Center of Literature; Luxembourg)
CNLCityNightLine (German Rail)
CNLChronic Neutrophilic Leukemia (disease)
CNLC Numerical Library
CNLCentre Nautique de Lorient (French nautical center)
CNLCould Not Locate (various organizations)
CNLCommercial Net Lease (Orlando, FL)
CNLCaisse National du Logement (French: National Housing Fund; Algeria)
CNLCercle Nautique de Loctudy (French nautical club)
CNLCentre de Naturopathie Lausanne (French; Swiss naturopathy center)
CNLCompetitive Need Limitation (trade)
CNLControlled Natural Language
CNLCenter for Naval Leadership
CNLClub Nautique de Limoges (French nautical club)
CNLCatalog of Nonprofit Literature (database; Foundation Center)
CNLAllensworth State Park (Amtrak station code; Earlimart, CA)
CNLCambridge Newspapers Ltd. (UK)
CNLCompensated Neutron Log (oil industry)
CNLCommittee of National Liberation (World War II Italian group)
CNLCumulative Net Loss
CNLConstrained Natural Language (restricted set of nouns and verbs for requirements documents)
CNLCrocker Nuclear Lab
CNLCircuit Net Loss
CNLCertificate of Non-Licensure (Pennsylvania criminal legal document)
CNLConical-Nose Lead (bullets)
CNLColumbia, Newberry, and Laurens Railroad Company
CNLCambridge Neurodynamics Limited
CNLCanal de Noticias Lisboa (Portugal)
CNLCommission Nationale de Linguistique (French: National Linguistic Commission; Benin & Togo)
CNLSindal Airport, Denmark (IATA code)