Acronym | Definition |
AACA | Antique Automobile Club of America |
AACA | Aneurysm of the Anterior Communicating Artery |
AACA | Asian American Civic Association |
AACA | Architects Accreditation Council of Australia |
AACA | American Association of Clinical Anatomists |
AACA | Afghan Assistance Coordination Authority |
AACA | Alaska Air Carriers Association |
AACA | Australian Association of Campus Activities |
AACA | Asociación Argentina de Críticos de Arte |
AACA | Australians Against Child Abuse |
AACA | American Association of Certified Appraisers |
AACA | Atlanta Area Compensation Association |
AACA | Aircraft Armament Chiefs Association |
AACA | Australian Acupuncture Association |
AACA | African American Cultural Alliance (various locations) |
AACA | Atlanta Air Cargo Association |
AACA | Authentic Artifacts Collectors Association |
AACA | Asian American Cultural Association |
AACA | Asian American Contractors Association |
AACA | American Alliance of Creditor Attorneys, Inc. |
AACA | African-American Cultural Association |
AACA | Armenian American Cultural Association, Inc. |
AACA | Arizona Association of Crime Analysts |
AACA | Army Airlift Clearance Authority |
AACA | American Association of Certified Allergists |
AACA | American Apparel Contractors Association |
AACA | Artists Against Corporate Art |
AACA | African American Cultural Awareness |
AACA | American Academy of Cardiovascular Administrators |
AACA | Ambient Atmosphere Conditions and Aging |
AACA | Associate of the Association of Cost Accountants |
AACA | American Academy of Consumer Attorneys |
AACA | Airborne Antisubmarine Warfare Coordination Aircraft |
AACA | Aberdeen Arts Centre Association (United Kingdom) |
AACA | American Association of Creative Artists |
AACA | Amphibious Auto Club of America |
AACA | American Automobile Claims and Appraisals (Richardson, TX) |
AACA | Alaskan Artifact Collectors Association |
AACA | Atlantic Apparel Contractors Association, Inc. |
AACA | Autopia Absentee Catalog Auction |