Acronym | Definition |
DOB | Date Of Birth |
DOB | Department of Buildings |
DOB | Date of Business |
DOB | Department of Banking (various locations) |
DOB | Débat d'Orientation Budgétaire (French: Budget Orientation Debate) |
DOB | Difficulty of Breathing (medical condition) |
DOB | Dying of Boredom |
DOB | Damenoberbekleidung (German retail women's clothing) |
DOB | Digital Object |
DOB | Data Object |
DOB | Dogs of Battle (gaming clan) |
DOB | Division of Banks |
DOB | Do Our Best (Cub Scouts of Canada) |
DOB | Démocratie ou Barbarie (French: Democracy or Barbarism; Belgium) |
DOB | Department of Building |
DOB | 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Bromoamphetamine (psychedelic drug) |
DOB | Dispersal Operating Base (US DoD) |
DOB | Duplication of Benefits (FEMA) |
DOB | Degree of Bend |
DOB | Depth Of Burst |
DOB | Decade of the Brain (conference) |
DOB | Daily Operating Bulletin (Canadian rail operating rules) |
DOB | Debt of Bones (Terry Goodkind book) |
DOB | Data Output Bus |
DOB | Deployable Operating Base |
DOB | Dienst Omroepbijdragen (Dutch Radio and Television Licensing Service) |
DOB | Dirty Old Bastard |
DOB | |
DOB | Deployable Optical Bench |
DOB | Don't Obey Bullies |
DOB | Doctorate of Business |
DOB | Delete-O-Bomb (forum moderator removes post) |
DOB | Department of Bustards (band) |
DOB | Defensive Order of Battle |
DOB | Démythifier l'Ordinateur en Biologie (French: Demystifying Computer in Biology) |
DOB | Distributor's Own Brand (consumer goods) |
DOB | Domestic-Owned Bank |
DOB | Do Object to Bullies |
DOB | Data Over Broadband |