DOBDate Of Birth
DOBDepartment of Buildings
DOBDate of Business
DOBDepartment of Banking (various locations)
DOBDébat d'Orientation Budgétaire (French: Budget Orientation Debate)
DOBDifficulty of Breathing (medical condition)
DOBDying of Boredom
DOBDamenoberbekleidung (German retail women's clothing)
DOBDigital Object
DOBData Object
DOBDogs of Battle (gaming clan)
DOBDivision of Banks
DOBDo Our Best (Cub Scouts of Canada)
DOBDémocratie ou Barbarie (French: Democracy or Barbarism; Belgium)
DOBDepartment of Building
DOB2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Bromoamphetamine (psychedelic drug)
DOBDispersal Operating Base (US DoD)
DOBDuplication of Benefits (FEMA)
DOBDegree of Bend
DOBDepth Of Burst
DOBDecade of the Brain (conference)
DOBDaily Operating Bulletin (Canadian rail operating rules)
DOBDebt of Bones (Terry Goodkind book)
DOBData Output Bus
DOBDeployable Operating Base
DOBDienst Omroepbijdragen (Dutch Radio and Television Licensing Service)
DOBDirty Old Bastard
DOBDeployable Optical Bench
DOBDon't Obey Bullies
DOBDoctorate of Business
DOBDelete-O-Bomb (forum moderator removes post)
DOBDepartment of Bustards (band)
DOBDefensive Order of Battle
DOBDémythifier l'Ordinateur en Biologie (French: Demystifying Computer in Biology)
DOBDistributor's Own Brand (consumer goods)
DOBDomestic-Owned Bank
DOBDo Object to Bullies
DOBData Over Broadband