CWLCall of Duty World League (gaming)
CWLCatholic Women's League
CWLCommon Workflow Language
CWLCommunity Wireless
CWLCampus Wide Login
CWLChristmas Wish List
CWLCentralne Warsztaty Lotnicze (Polish: Central Aviation Workshop)
CWLCenter Wavelength
CWLClean Water Legacy (Minnesota)
CWLCity Water Light (utility; Springfield, IL)
CWLCenter for Writing and Learning
CWLConsolidated Word List
CWLConcealed Weapons License
CWLCardiff, Wales, United Kingdom - Cardiff-Wales (Airport Code)
CWLCenter for Wildlife Law (University of New Mexico)
CWLChaotic War Lords (gaming)
CWLCongestion Window Limit
CWLCrying With Laughter
CWLCommon Weapon Launcher (US DoD)
CWLChurch without Limits
CWLCornwall Railroad
CWLContinuous Running Water Level
CWLCompliance Warranty Language
CWLWordline Capacitance per Cell
CWLCatherinefield Windows Limited (UK)
CWLCenter for Working Life
CWLConstruction Work Limit
CWLChemical Warfare Labs
CWLControl Water Level
CWLCold Water Line (engineering)