CNOChief of Naval Operations
CNOChief Nursing Officer
CNOCollege of Nurses of Ontario
CNOComputer Network Operations
CNOComputer News Online
CNOCoconut Oil
CNOCyanate (form of cyanide)
CNOCom/Net/Org (GTLDs)
CNOCherokee Nation of Oklahoma
CNOComité de Normalisation Obligataire (French: Bondholder Committee for Standardization)
CNOConstructora Norberto Odebrecht (Brazilian real estate company)
CNOCollège National d'Occlusodontologie (French: National College of Occlusodontology)
CNOCercle des Nageurs de l'Ouest (French swim club)
CNOChief Nuclear Officer (nuclear facility operation)
CNOCancéropôle Nord-Ouest (French cancer prevention project)
CNOCollaborative Networked Organization (virtual enterprise)
CNOChambre Nationale des Ostéopathes (French: National Chamber of Osteopaths)
CNOClub Nautique de l'Ouest (French: Nautical Club of the West)
CNOComputer Network Operation(s)
CNOCouples Night Out
CNOCertificate of No Overlap (Philippines)
CNOCentre Néphrologique d'Occitanie (French nephrology center)
CNOChristian in Name Only
CNOCommunity Nutrition Organizer (Bangladesh)
CNOCashew Nut Oil
CNOClean, Neat, Organized