Acronym | Definition |
CPO | Chief Petty Officer (US Navy and US Coast Guard) |
CPO | Chief Procurement Officer (corporate title) |
CPO | Chief Privacy Officer (corporate title) |
CPO | Certified Pre-Owned (automobiles) |
CPO | Crude Palm Oil |
CPO | Commodity Pool Operator |
CPO | Chief Product Officer (various companies) |
CPO | Compulsory Purchase Order |
CPO | Certified Pool Operator |
CPO | City Police Officer (various locations) |
CPO | Cost Per Order (advertising) |
CPO | Certified Professional Organizer (National Association of Professional Organizers) |
CPO | Chief Personnel Officer |
CPO | Conseil des Prélèvements Obligatoires (French: Board of Compulsory Levies) |
CPO | Chief Process Officer (various companies) |
CPO | Compagnie Pétrolière de l'Ouest (French: Petroleum Company of the West) |
CPO | Consejo del Pueblo Maya (Spanish: Mayan Village Council; Guatemala) |
CPO | Computer Printout |
CPO | Certified Pre Owned |
CPO | Computer Peripherals Operation |
CPO | Call if Parity Odd |
CPO | Chief Police Officer (various locations) |
CPO | Czech Philharmonic Orchestra |
CPO | Conselho Político da Oposição (Portuguese: Political Council of Opposition; Angola) |
CPO | Chief People Officer (aka Director of Human Resources) |
CPO | Chief Probation Officer (various locations) |
CPO | Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra |
CPO | Civilian Personnel Office |
CPO | Capital Projects Office (various locations) |
CPO | Chief Performance Officer (marketing) |
CPO | Certified Protection Officer |
CPO | Charge Pump Output |
CPO | Coherent Population Oscillation (light propagation) |
CPO | Care Plan Oversight (medicare reimbursement) |
CPO | Certified Prosthetist Orthotist (ABC) |
CPO | Complete Partial Order (domain theory/theoretical computer science/order theory) |
CPO | Comptoir Pièces Occasion (French: Used Parts Counter) |
CPO | Crime Prevention Officer (UK) |
CPO | Charge Point Operator (network) |
CPO | Certified Procurement Officer (various locations) |
CPO | Catalytic Partial Oxidation |
CPO | Chief Planning Officer (various organizations) |
CPO | Coproporphyrinogen Oxidase |
CPO | China Philharmonic Orchestra |
CPO | Cape Philharmonic Orchestra |
CPO | Clôtures et Portails de l'Ouest (French: Fences and Gates of the West) |
CPO | Corporate Planning Office |
CPO | Corrections Program Office |
CPO | Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra (Denmark) |
CPO | Community Punishment Order (UK criminal system) |
CPO | Complete Provisions Only (US DoD) |
CPO | Code Practice Oscillator (Morse code learning device for ham radio operators) |
CPO | Close Protection Operative |
CPO | Christian Publicity Organisation (UK) |
CPO | Central Procurement Office |
CPO | Community Post Office (rural Postal Service outlet) |
CPO | Centre de Préparation Omnisport (French: Multisport Preparation Center) |
CPO | Certified Paraoptometric |
CPO | Chief Party Officer |
CPO | Campus Post Office |
CPO | Civilian Personnel Online (US DoD) |
CPO | Chauffage Plomberie Olivieri (French plumbing and heating company) |
CPO | Chief Post Office |
CPO | Correctional Program Officer (various locations) |
CPO | Continuous Program Optimization |
CPO | Chemical Protective Overgarment |
CPO | Centre de Protontherapie d'Orsay |
CPO | Community Properties of Ohio (Columbus, OH) |
CPO | Country Programme Outline |
CPO | Club de Plongée d'Orchies (French diving club) |
CPO | Core Project Office |
CPO | Consumer Protection Office |
CPO | Central Payments Office |
CPO | Certified Park Operator (National Association of Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campgrounds) |
CPO | Certified Project Officer |
CPO | Concevoir Publier et Organiser (French: Design and Publishing Organization) |
CPO | Conditional Purchase Offer |
CPO | Coalition for Photonics and Optics |
CPO | Council for People’s Development (Philippines) |
CPO | Chief Political Officer |
CPO | Customer Purchase Order (sales) |
CPO | Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra |
CPO | Command Post Operations |
CPO | County Planning Officer |
CPO | Chester Philharmonic Orchestra |
CPO | Cadet Programs Officer |
CPO | Civilian Post Office (Canada Post) |
CPO | Central Policy Office |
CPO | Commercial Pesticide Operator |
CPO | Colne Philharmonic Orchestra |
CPO | Cook Post Office (Rutgers College) |
CPO | Communications Program Officer |
CPO | Core Process Optimization |
CPO | Consolidated Planning Order |
CPO | Chloropyrifos Oxon |
CPO | Convergent Pricing Object |
CPO | Control Post Operator |
CPO | Cost Per Output |
CPO | Component Pilot Overhaul |
CPO | Collateralized Portfolio Obligation |
CPO | Customer Payment Order (banking) |
CPO | Current Purchase Option |
CPO | California Pops Orchestra (Palo Alto, CA) |
CPO | Change Package Order |
CPO | Contracting and Purchasing Operations |