CPPC Plus Plus
CPPCanada Pension Plan
CPPCapital Purchase Program
CPPC Preprocessor
CPPCertified Payroll Professional
CPPCal Poly Pomona (a California State university in Pomona, California)
CPPCommunist Party of the Philippines
CPPCertified Protection Professional (American Society for Industrial Security)
CPPComité de Protection des Personnes (French: Committee to Protect People)
CPPChicken Pot Pie (band)
CPPCell-Penetrating Peptide
CPPCritical Peak Pricing (demand response; utility rates)
CPPCommittee on Public Policy
CPPClassic Performance Products (Anaheim, CA)
CPPConvention People's Party (Ghana)
CPPCalling Party Pays (Cellular)
CPPCommunity Planning Partnership (Scotland)
CPPCustomer Preview Program (Microsoft beta testing)
CPPCollege of Pharmacy Practice (UK)
CPPCertified Professional Photographer
CPPCerebral Perfusion Pressure
CPPCollaboration Protocol Profile (ebXML)
CPPCzech Press Photo (award)
CPPCódigo de Processo Penal (Brazilian Code of Criminal Procedure)
CPPChronic Pelvic Pain
CPPCustom Product Power
CPPCertified Privacy Professional
CPPControl Plane Policing
CPPCertified Perfect Partners
CPPCordless Phone Profile
CPPCommand Processing Program
CPPCommon Profile for Presence
CPPCard Photo Printer
CPPCorporate Preview Program
CPPCombined Proprietary Protocol
CPPComputer Protection Program
CPPC Pre-Processor
CPPControl Path Processor
CPPCertified Permitting Professional
CPPCollaboration Protocol Profile
CPPCertified Professional Program
CPPCost Per Page (printers)
CPPCarefree Personal Protection
CPPCompiler Preprocessor
CPPChild Protection Program (various organizations)
CPPCentral Precocious Puberty
CPPCard Protection Plan
CPPCogeneration Power Plant
CPPCity Pair Pogram (US GSA)
CPPCost Per Point
CPPChemical Processing Plant
CPPCommercial Package Policy (insurance)
CPPCitations per Paper (scientific publication)
CPPCommunity Participation Program (various locations)
CPPCodice di Procedura Penale (Italian legislation)
CPPControllable Pitch Propeller
CPPCanadian Public Policy
CPPCurrent Perpendicular-to-the-Plane (spin valve)
CPPCaptive Power Plant
CPPComprehensive Protection Plan (church insurance)
CPPContacted Poly Pitch (micorelectronics)
CPPCoronary Perfusion Pressure
CPPCenter for Public Policy
CPPContinuing Planning Process
CPPCleveland Public Power
CPPCapitol Power Plant (Washington, DC)
CPPConcrete Pressure Pipe
CPPConseil Paritaire de la Publicité (French: Joint Council of Advertising)
CPPCommunity Partnership Program
CPPCycle Préparatoire Polytechnique (French: Polytechnic Preparatory Cycle; educational program)
CPPCertified Parking Professional (National Parking Association)
CPPConsulting Psychologists Press, Inc.
CPPCertified Packaging Professional
CPPCrime Prevention Program (California)
CPPCasein Phosphopeptides
CPPCircuit Primaire Principal (French: Primary Main Circuit)
CPPConsultation Publique de Psychanalyse (French: Public Consultation of Psychoanalysis)
CPPCertified Purchasing Professional
CPPCost per Procedure
CPPConflict Prevention Pool (various locations)
CPPCertified Professional Purchaser (Canadian Purchase Research Foundation)
CPPCertified Professional Purchaser (Purchasing Management Association of Canada)
CPPCorporate Partnership Program (various organizations)
CPPChief Public Prosecutor (various locations)
CPPCreative Parallel Processing
CPPCore Product Portfolio (various companies)
CPPCambodian Peoples Party
CPPComité de la Prévention et de la Précaution
CPPCenter for Patient Partnerships (Wisconsin)
CPPCumulative Patient Profile (various organizations)
CPPChinese Postman Problem
CPPCertificate of Pharmaceutical Product
CPPChoroid Plexus Papilloma
CPPCents Per Pound
CPPCommand Post Platform
CPPCrop Protection Programme (UK)
CPPCritical Performance Parameter
CPPCurrent Purchasing Power
CPPCertified Prevention Professional
CPPCentre de Plongée du Pradet (French diving center)
CPPConservation Partners Program (various locations)
CPPCore Python Programming
CPPCentral Processing Platform (offshore drilling)
CPPCareer Planning Program
CPPCertified Program Planner
CPPComprehensive Personality Profile
CPPCollege of Practitioners of Phytotherapy
CPPCareer Preparation Program
CPPCentre for Public Participation
CPPCreating Profitable Partnerships (UK)
CPPCorrugated Plastic Pipe
CPPCertified Pricing Professional
CPPComputer Plus Peripherals (Blantyre, Malawi)
CPPConcertation des Parlementaires Progressistes (French: Coalition of Parliamentarians for Progress; Haiti)
CPPCuba Poster Project
CPPCritical Process Parameter
CPPClutch Pedal Position (Switch)
CPPChurch Planting Process
CPPCelebrity Ping Pong (magazine)
CPPChinese Philosophy Page
CPPCharacters Per Pica
CPPCentre Professionnel de Porrentruy (Switzerland)
CPPCooperative Pharmacy Program
CPPCertified Purple Processor (National Association of Mortgage Processors)
CPPCoalition for Progress Party (Sierra Leone)
CPPCollege Partnership Program
CPPClean Petroleum Product
CPPComputational Particle Physics
CPPCermak Peterka Petersen, Inc. (Fort Collins, CO and St. Peters, NSW, Australia)
CPPCrumpler Plastic Pipe Inc.
CPPCompetitive Placement Plan
CPPCorrugated Polyethylene Pipe
CPPCombinet Proprietary Protocol (Cisco)
CPPComputer Purchase Program
CPPControl Plane Policing (Cisco)
CPPCollective Philanthropy Project
CPPCertified Process Professional
CPPColor Picker Pro
CPPCentralized Protection Policy (Cisco)
CPPCreative Pioneer Programme (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts; UK)
CPPCable Patch Panel
CPPCasted Polypropylene
CPPCertain Places Pay
CPPAshéninca Perené (SIL code, Peru)
CPPCommunications Protocol Processor
CPPContent Protection Parity (EMC)
CPPCentral Park Players (Grand Haven, MI)
CPPCommon Practice Period (music theory)
CPPCooperative Purchasing Program
CPPConstrained Production Planning (supply chain management)
CPPCalifornia Plant Protection
CPPClub Penguin Planet (gaming website)
CPPCentralized Postage Payment System (US Postal Service; for mass mailers)
CPPCell Physiology and Pharmacology
CPPCurrent Patent Practice (World Wide Web Consortium)
CPP3,3-(2 Carboxypiperazine-4-yl)-Propyl-1-Phosphonate (NMDA receptor antagonist)
CPPCloud Photopolarimeter
CPPCharacters Per Page
CPPControl Plane Protection (also seen as CPPr)
CPPChemical Production Process
CPPCertification Program Plan
CPPCollege of Public Programs
CPPCard Punching Printer
CPPCredential for Practice Program
CPPCareer Pilot Program
CPPCenter for Photographic Projects
CPPComputer Program Package
CPPCentral Park Precinct (NYPD)
CPPComputational Physics Project (College of Wooster)
CPPCarcinogenic Potency Project
CPPCamouflage Pattern Printing
CPPComprehensive Performance Partnership
CPPCelebrity Protection Program
CPPCertified Point-Of-Purchase Professional
CPPConvoy Protection Platform (heavily armored and armed truck)
CPPCitrus Pulp Pellet
CPPComputer Platform Planning (Sprint)
CPPCompliance Policy & Planning
CPPCure Parkinson's Project
CPPComplex Privatization Plan
CPPCivilian Personnel Pamphlet/Policy
CPPCertified Patent Practitioner (National Council on Patent Practicum, Inc.)
CPPCurrently Permitted Program
CPPCaribbean Policy Project
CPPConfigurable Port Processor
CPPCounter Proliferation Programme (Europol)
CPPCircuit Pack Power (Lucent)
CPPCompetitive Pricing Plan
CPPContract Performance Plan
CPPConcept Position Papers
CPPCardiovascular Pharmacology and Physiology
CPPComplete Price Protection
CPPCertified Private Pilot (US FAA designation)
CPPColumbus Pro Percussion, Inc
CPPCopyproof Positive Paper
CPPCoarse Production Planning
CPPConcrete Power Pole
CPPCooperative Program / Project Personnel
CPPClaimant Program Proposal
CPPCoolant Pumping Power
CPPCommon PIM (Personal Information Management) Portlet (IBM)
CPPCorporate Partner Privacy
CPPConstant Power-Control Policy
CPPCliente Potecialmente Peligroso (Spanish: Potentially Dangerous Customer)
CPPCustomer Pallet Preparation