Acronym | Definition |
DLM | Dirt Late Model (various companies) |
DLM | Distributed Lock Manager (Oracle Parallel Server) |
DLM | Download Manager (various applications) |
DLM | Derrière le Miroir (French: Behind the Mirror; art collection) |
DLM | Department of Land Management (various locations) |
DLM | Dorothy Lane Market (Ohio grocery chain) |
DLM | Doug Loves Movies (podcast) |
DLM | Data Links Manager |
DLM | Distributed Lock Manager |
DLM | Dynamic Link Module |
DLM | Digital Line Module |
DLM | Data Lifecycle Management |
DLM | Dlr Local Manager |
DLM | Date Last Modified |
DLM | Database Lifecycle Management (software development) |
DLM | Dead Like Me (TV series) |
DLM | Diploma in Logistics Management (various locations) |
DLM | Drainage Lymphatique Manuel (French: Manual Lymphatic Drainage) |
DLM | Digital Lighting Management (WattStopper; Santa Clara, CA) |
DLM | Disk Library for Mainframe (EMC Corp.) |
DLM | Disorders of Lipid Metabolism (health) |
DLM | Document Lifecycle Management |
DLM | Don't Leave Me |
DLM | Delay Line Memory (computing) |
DLM | Digital Landscape Model |
DLM | Depot Level Maintenance |
DLM | Dissemination Limiting Marker (data security; Australia) |
DLM | Dynamic Line Management |
DLM | Deep Layer Mean (weather forecasting) |
DLM | Dynamic Linear Model |
DLM | Dominica Liberation Movement |
DLM | Division Légère Motorisée (French: Light Motorized Division) |
DLM | Disappearing Liver Metastasis (oncology) |
DLM | Djangan Lupa Maluku (Indonesian: Do Not Forget the Moluccas) |
DLM | Distributed Layout Management (Jasig) |
DLM | Data Line Monitor |
DLM | Data Lifecycle Manager |
DLM | Département des Lettres Modernes (French: Department of Modern Literature) |
DLM | Demain Le Mail (French: The Tomorrow Mail; Internet communication project) |
DLM | Destination Learning Management (education) |
DLM | Direktoren der Landesmedienanstalten |
DLM | Desktop Lifecycle Management |
DLM | Diffusion Linge Médical (French: Medical Linen Distribution) |
DLM | Dalaman, Turkey - Dalaman (Airport Code) |
DLM | Designated Location Move |
DLM | Dual-Level Metal |
DLM | Digital Live Machining (Sandvik Coromant) |
DLM | Diamond Life Master (bridge) |
DLM | Disordered Local Moments |
DLM | Distributed LAN Monitoring |
DLM | Digital Legal Management |
DLM | Digital Load Monitor |
DLM | Direct Liquid Methanol (fuel cell) |
DLM | Dynamic Load Module |
DLM | Double-Level Metal |
DLM | Distribution Logistics Management |
DLM | Signalling-Data-Link-Connection-Order Message |
DLM | Data Line Multiplexer |
DLM | Dynamic Localization Model |
DLM | Date Last Met |
DLM | Diplomate in Laboratory Medicine |
DLM | Department of Legal Medicine (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology) |
DLM | Dienstleistungsmodellierung (Workshop) |
DLM | Dotted-Line Manager |
DLM | Dynamic Linked Module |
DLM | Disk Loaded Monopole |
DLM | Data Link Monitoring |
DLM | Down Link Manager |
DLM | Deep Level Maintenance |
DLM | Down Links Monitor |
DLM | Delayed-Loss Multiplexer |
DLM | Date Last Moved |
DLM | Dirty Little Minx |
DLM | Design Liaison Meeting |