Acronym | Definition |
DLMA | DBF (difference in backfat thickness) and Loin Muscle Area |
DLMA | Downtown-Lower Manhattan Association (New York) |
DLMA | Dynamic Learning Matrix Algorithm (Shamp Bionics) |
DLMA | Debt and Liquidity Management Agency (Slovak Republic) |
DLMA | Diversified League of Martial Artists |
DLMA | Duneland Masters |
DLMA | Disposable Laryngeal Mask Airway |
DLMA | Dominica Liberation Movement Alliance |
DLMA | Deer Lake Medical Association |
DLMA | Distributed Logic Memory Architecture |
DLMA | Damian Lewis Media Archive |
DLMA | District Level Marketing Agencies |
DLMA | Disk Loaded Monopole Antenna |
DLMA | District Level Marketing Associates |
DLMA | Deer Lakes Medical Associates |