CREWCitizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
CREWCenter for Conservation and Research of Endangered Wildlife
CREWChennai Radha Engineering Works (India)
CREWCollaboratory for Research on Electronic Work
CREWCivically Re-Engaged Women (New York, NY)
CREWCommercial Real Estate Women Network (Lawrence, KS)
CREWCascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup
CREWCanopy Relative Work (skydiving)
CREWCommercial Real Estate for Women
CREWCounter RCIED (Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device) Electronic Warfare (also seen as Remote Control)
CREWCitizens Research and Environmental Watch
CREWContinuous Review Evaluation Weeding (methodology)
CREWCustodians of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers (South Africa)
CREWCommunity Renewal and Enrichment through Work (Pima County, AZ)
CREWCertificate Renewal Examination, Written (American Board of Ophthalmology)
CREWCentre de Recherches sur l'Economie Wallone (French: Research Center of the Walloon Economy; Belgium)