Acronym | Definition |
CSPA | Columbia Scholastic Press Association |
CSPA | California Sportfishing Protection Alliance |
CSPA | Consumer Specialty Products Association |
CSPA | Chinese Software Professionals Association |
CSPA | Canadian Steel Producers Association |
CSPA | Civil Service Pensioners' Alliance |
CSPA | Canadian Sport Parachuting Association |
CSPA | College Student Personnel Administration (various universities) |
CSPA | Child Safety Protection Act |
CSPA | College Student Personnel Association |
CSPA | Council of State Planning Agencies |
CSPA | Chinese Student Protection Act of 1992 |
CSPA | Client Server Production Acceptance |
CSPA | Closing Single Price Auction |
CSPA | Central States Philosophical Association |
CSPA | Community Spouse Protected Amount |
CSPA | Communicating Signal Processing Architecture |
CSPA | Catholic School Parents Association |
CSPA | CINC's Strategic Priorities Assessment |
CSPA | College Sports Publishers Association |
CSPA | Council of Sales Promotion Agencies |
CSPA | Colorado Surplus Property Agency (Colorado Department of Corrections) |
CSPA | Citizen Soldier Protection Act of 2002 |
CSPA | Christian School of Preforming Arts ( Baldwinsvill, NY childrens theater group) |