Acronym | Definition |
CIW | Certified Internet Webmaster |
CIW | Coalition of Immokalee Workers |
CIW | California Institution for Women (California) |
CIW | Carnegie Institution of Washington |
CIW | Correctional Institution for Women (various locations) |
CIW | Custom Installation Wizard |
CIW | Children in Wales (UK) |
CIW | Command Interpreter Window (software) |
CIW | Center for Information Work (Microsoft) |
CIW | Cingular Wireless |
CIW | Client Installation Wizard |
CIW | Correct if Wrong |
CIW | Community Integration Worker (Maine) |
CIW | Customer Initiated Works (various companies) |
CIW | Construction Information Workspace |
CIW | Cockpit Integration Workbench |
CIW | Continuous Improvement Workshop |
CIW | Club Informatique de Wavrin (French: Wavrin Computer Club; Wavrin, France) |
CIW | Club Informatique de Wasselonne (French: Wasselonne Computer Club; Wasselonne, France) |
CIW | Computer Integrated Warehousing |