DLODigital Lifestyle Outfitters (Charleston, SC)
DLODocument Library Object
DLODynamically Loaded Object
DLODead Letter Office
DLODefence Logistics Organisation
DLODesktop and Laptop Option (Symantec backup products)
DLODocument Library Object (computing)
DLODienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (Netherlands)
DLODirect Labour Organisation (UK; local authority trading departments)
DLODay Light Opening
DLODepartmental Liaison Officer
DLOData Line Occupied
DLODouble Layout (gymnastics)
DLODefense Liaison Office
DLODifference of Longitude
DLODistrict Legal Office (US Navy)
DLODiploma in Otorhinolaryngology
DLOData Link Occupied
DLODefense Law & Order
DLODisclosed Limit Order (stock market)
DLODiesel Lubricating Oil Service and Transfer
DLODienst Lichamelijke Opvoeding (Dutch)
DLODesired Learning Objective
DLODivision de Logistique Opérationnelle (French: Division of Logistical Operations)
DLODetachment Liaison Officer
DLODonnées Logistiques Optimisées (French: Optimized Logistics Data)
DLODeck Low
DLODomestic Light Orchestra (England, UK)