Acronym | Definition |
DLR | Dollar(s) |
DLR | Dealer |
DLR | Docklands Light Railway (London, UK) |
DLR | Disneyland Resort |
DLR | Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (German: German Aerospace Center) |
DLR | Dynamic Language Runtime |
DLR | Debout la République (French: Arise the Republic; political group) |
DLR | David Lee Roth |
DLR | Dynamic Line Rating |
DLR | Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft-Und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Research Establishment) |
DLR | Dual-Luciferase Reporter (Promega Corporation) |
DLR | Delete Registry |
DLR | Destination Local Reference |
DLR | Data Location Register |
DLR | Dynamic Location Register |
DLR | Direct Line Recording |
DLR | Distinctive Line Ringing |
DLR | De La Rue (French: of the road; British stamp producers) |
DLR | Depot-Level Repairable (US DoD) |
DLR | Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum (Germany) |
DLR | Division of Labor Relations (Massachusetts) |
DLR | Discrimination Law Review (UK) |
DLR | Disneyland Railroad (Disneyland Resort, Disneyland Paris, Tokyo Disneyland) |
DLR | Downwelling Longwave Radiation (climate) |
DLR | Driver License Record (various locations) |
DLR | Dominion Law Reports |
DLR | Design Layout Record |
DLR | DOS LAN Requester |
DLR | Daily Language Review |
DLR | Digital Learning Resources (Austalia) |
DLR | Doesn't Look Right |
DLR | Department of Land Reform |
DLR | Division of Licensed Resources |
DLR | Depot Level Repair |
DLR | Dynamic Link Routine |
DLR | Downward Longwave Radiation |
DLR | Direction des Langues Régionales (French: Department of Regional Languages; Mayotte) |
DLR | Discount Location Rental (New Caledonia) |
DLR | Directorate of Land Requirements |
DLR | Designated Local Retransmitter (Cisco) |
DLR | Detection Limit for Purposes of Reporting (regulated drinking water) |
DLR | Digital Llama Radio (Star Wars fan films Internet radio) |
DLR | Distributeurs, Loueurs, Réparateurs (French: Distributors, Rental Companies, Repairers; est. 1965) |
DLR | Departmental Library Representative (various universities) |
DLR | Data Loader Recorder |
DLR | Department of Licensed Resources (Washington State Department of Social and Health Services) |
DLR | Directory Listing Requirement |
DLR | Defect Leakage Rate (Vista, Microsoft) |
DLR | Dhaka Law Report |
DLR | Division Level Review |
DLR | Division of Licensing and Regulations |
DLR | Digital Lightwave Repeater |
DLR | De La Rosa & Company (Los Angeles, CA investment bankers) |