DLRDocklands Light Railway (London, UK)
DLRDisneyland Resort
DLRDeutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (German: German Aerospace Center)
DLRDynamic Language Runtime
DLRDebout la République (French: Arise the Republic; political group)
DLRDavid Lee Roth
DLRDynamic Line Rating
DLRDeutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft-Und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Research Establishment)
DLRDual-Luciferase Reporter (Promega Corporation)
DLRDelete Registry
DLRDestination Local Reference
DLRData Location Register
DLRDynamic Location Register
DLRDirect Line Recording
DLRDistinctive Line Ringing
DLRDe La Rue (French: of the road; British stamp producers)
DLRDepot-Level Repairable (US DoD)
DLRDienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum (Germany)
DLRDivision of Labor Relations (Massachusetts)
DLRDiscrimination Law Review (UK)
DLRDisneyland Railroad (Disneyland Resort, Disneyland Paris, Tokyo Disneyland)
DLRDownwelling Longwave Radiation (climate)
DLRDriver License Record (various locations)
DLRDominion Law Reports
DLRDesign Layout Record
DLRDOS LAN Requester
DLRDaily Language Review
DLRDigital Learning Resources (Austalia)
DLRDoesn't Look Right
DLRDepartment of Land Reform
DLRDivision of Licensed Resources
DLRDepot Level Repair
DLRDynamic Link Routine
DLRDownward Longwave Radiation
DLRDirection des Langues Régionales (French: Department of Regional Languages; Mayotte)
DLRDiscount Location Rental (New Caledonia)
DLRDirectorate of Land Requirements
DLRDesignated Local Retransmitter (Cisco)
DLRDetection Limit for Purposes of Reporting (regulated drinking water)
DLRDigital Llama Radio (Star Wars fan films Internet radio)
DLRDistributeurs, Loueurs, Réparateurs (French: Distributors, Rental Companies, Repairers; est. 1965)
DLRDepartmental Library Representative (various universities)
DLRData Loader Recorder
DLRDepartment of Licensed Resources (Washington State Department of Social and Health Services)
DLRDirectory Listing Requirement
DLRDefect Leakage Rate (Vista, Microsoft)
DLRDhaka Law Report
DLRDivision Level Review
DLRDivision of Licensing and Regulations
DLRDigital Lightwave Repeater
DLRDe La Rosa & Company (Los Angeles, CA investment bankers)