DLSDe La Salle
DLSDynamic Light Scattering
DLSDire la Science (French scientific public relations company)
DLSDiamond Light Source (UK)
DLSDownloadable Sounds
DLSDocument Library Services
DLSDelivery Server
DLSData Location System
DLSDownloadable Sample
DLSDouble Layers
DLSDeployment Service
DLSDos Lan Services
DLSDirty Little Secrets
DLSDepartment of Legal Services
DLSDriver Limousine Services (French vehicle rental company)
DLSDirectory Location Service
DLSDiagnostic Local de Sécurité (French: Local Security Diagnostics; various locations)
DLSDerrière la Salle (French art group)
DLSData Link Switch
DLSData Link Switching
DLSDigital Logic Simulator (computer program)
DLSData Logging System (software)
DLSDistributed Learning System (US Army)
DLSDe La Soul (band)
DLSDemain la Santé (French: Tomorrow's Health)
DLSDrillsearch Energy Limited (Australia; stock symbol)
DLSDynamic Languages Symposium
DLSDuty Lawyer Service
DLSDental Lab Services (Orange, CA)
DLSDynamic Label Segment
DLSDivision of Labor Studies (Indiana)
DLSDépannage Levage Service (French lift and transport company)
DLSDisaster Legal Services (FEMA)
DLSDominion Land Survey (Canada)
DLSDynamic Logistics Systems (Supply Chain Management company)
DLSDirector of Library Services
DLSDécoupe Laser Services (French: Laser Cutting Services)
DLSDynamic Load Simulator (engineering)
DLSDoctor of Sacred Letters
DLSDecoy Launching System
DLSDistance Learning Service
DLSDisplay Lot Status
DLSDoctor of Library Science
DLSDispatch Life Support
DLSDigital Lab System
DLSDate Last Seen
DLSDouble Layer Spiral (water filtration)
DLSDistributed Link Services
DLSDéménagement Logistique Services (French: Relocation Logistics Services)
DLSDivisible Load Scheduling
DLSDelta Lambda Sigma (fraternity)
DLSDominated Love Slave (Green Day song)
DLSDefense Legal Services
DLSDrivers License Service
DLSDial Line Service
DLSDoctor of Liberal Studies (Georgetown University)
DLSDynamic Limb Sounder
DLSDistance Learning Secretariat (Trinidad and Tobago)
DLSDiu La Sing
DLSData Link Set
DLSDownward Looking Sonar (US Navy tracking device)
DLSDistance Learning Site
DLSDynamic Lot Sizes (cost-minimzation in logistics, distribution and purchasing)
DLSDivision of Logistics Services (Office of Logistics and Acquisition Operations; US NIH)
DLSDynamic Link Shutdown (energy optimization; computing)
DLSDownlink Simulator (military SATCOM)
DLSDigital Lighting Systems
DLSDosimetric Leaf Separation
DLSDepann' Lavage Service (French maintenance company)
DLSDepot Logistics System
DLSDifferential Least Squares
DLSDeactivated Link State (Ciena)
DLSDeep Look Surveillance
DLSDaily Living Service (Ohio)
DLSDemocratic Leadership School
DLSDecision Learning System
DLSDonovan Language Solutions (Germany)
DLSLength-Scale Fractal Dimension (surface texture)
DLSDocument of Limited Significance
DLSDrummond Locomotive Society
DLSDesign Limit Stress
DLSDivision Legislative Services
DLSDeland Little Symphony (Altoona, FL)
DLSDemodulation Level Selection
DLSDienst Lekenspel (Dutch)
DLSDi-Electric Lined Surface
DLSDifferential Lock State
DLSDirect Locking System
DLSData Link Suite (UAVs)
DLSDavid Lang Services (French renovation company)
DLSDifferential Lock Solenoid
DLSDepot Level Support
DLSDirect Logistics Support
DLSDienst Lekenstijl (Dutch)