Acronym | Definition |
CLIP | Carnegie Libraries in Iowa Project |
CLIP | Cytoplasmic Linker Protein |
CLIP | Calling Line Identification Presentation |
CLIP | Classical Ip |
CLIP | Connected Line Identification Presentation |
CLIP | Church Leader Internet Portal |
CLIP | Community Leader Influencer Program |
CLIP | Calling Line Identity Presentation |
CLIP | Corporate Learning Improvement Process |
CLIP | Current List Price |
CLIP | Class II-Associated Invariant Chain Peptide |
CLIP | Cancer of the Liver Italian Program |
CLIP | Computers, Literature and Philology (conference) |
CLIP | Computational Linguistics and Information Processing (University of Maryland) |
CLIP | Common Link Integration Processing |
CLIP | Critical Literacy in Practice (podcast) |
CLIP | Construction Lean Improvement Programme |
CLIP | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Program |
CLIP | Classical IP and ARP over ATM (IETF RFC 2225) |
CLIP | Climates of the Past |
CLIP | Collaborative Literacy Intervention Project |
CLIP | Compiler Language for Information Processing |
CLIP | Colorado Legal Initiatives Project |
CLIP | Cross Language Information Processing (Workshop) |
CLIP | Collegiate Leadership Internship Program |
CLIP | Canadian Letters and Images Project |
CLIP | Creative Learning in Practice |
CLIP | Contemporary Landscape Inquiry Project |
CLIP | Crime Laboratory Improvement Program |
CLIP | Career Ladder Incentive Program |
CLIP | Central Local Information Partnership |
CLIP | class II invariant chain peptide |
CLIP | Crew List Index Project (British merchant seamen records) |
CLIP | Corticotropin-Like-Intermediate Peptide |
CLIP | Clinical Improvement Projects |
CLIP | Computational Logic Implementation and Parallelism (Laboratory) |
CLIP | Croydon Libraries Internet Project |
CLIP | Client Layer Interface Port |
CLIP | Corticotrophin-Like-Intermediate Lobe Peptide |
CLIP | Cellular Logic Image Processor |
CLIP | Center's Legal Initiative Project |
CLIP | Calling Line Identification and Presentation |
CLIP | Community Life Improvement Programme |
CLIP | Certifiable Linux Integration Platform |
CLIP | Chemical Laboratory Information Profile |
CLIP | College Library Information Packet |
CLIP | College Library Instruction Programs |
CLIP | Classical Internet Protocol |
CLIP | Cebu Light Industrial Park (Philippines) |
CLIP | Cell Loss Integration Period |
CLIP | Civic Leaders Internship Program (Missouri) |
CLIP | Community Learning and Innovation Partnership |
CLIP | Combined Laser Instrumentation Package (NASA) |
CLIP | Computerized Language Information Processing (radiologic reporting) |
CLIP | Component Library Integration Package |
CLIP | Clinical Posting |
CLIP | Contractual Liability Insurance Policy |
CLIP | Classical Language Instruction Program |
CLIP | Community Liaison Information Point |
CLIP | Chicago Latinos in Philanthropy |
CLIP | Cooperative Lifestyle Intervention Program |
CLIP | Closed Loop Incremental Positioner |
CLIP | Comparison of Language Intervention Programs |
CLIP | Confirmed Line Item Performance |
CLIP | Civilian Life Is Preferred |
CLIP | Clean Lakes Incentive Program |
CLIP | Capitolunate Instability Pattern |
CLIP | Central Luzon Irrigation Project |
CLIP | Citizen Lake Improvement Program (Ohio) |
CLIP | Class Library for Image Processing |
CLIP | Crew Loads Instrumented Panel |
CLIP | Call Line Identification Present |
CLIP | Configuration & Logistics Information Program |
CLIP | Crew Loads Instrumented Pallet (NASA) |
CLIP | Close Loop Improvement Process |
CLIP | Coalfield Learning Initiative Partnership |
CLIP | Credit Line Increase Program |
CLIP | Contracted Learning Individual Program |
CLIP | Codeline Integrity Principle |
CLIP | Continuous Library Improvement Program |
CLIP | Committed Line Item Performance |
CLIP | Caller Line Identification Protocol |
CLIP | Component Level Information Package |
CLIP | Cluster on Innovation Projects |
CLIP | Craft Life Improvement Program |
CLIP | Canadian Laboratories of Innovations in Proteolysis |
CLIP | Content and Language Integrated Teaching Pilot |
CLIP | CDEV Linear Internet Protocol |
CLIP | Commercial Lamp Installation Program |
CLIP | Centre for Legal Information and Publications |
CLIP | Covert Lateral International Program (gaming) |
CLIP | Common Link Integration Processor (US Navy and US Air Force) |
CLIP | Cancel Launch in Progress |
CLIP | Core Learning Improvement Plan |
CLIP | Comisión Local Intersectorial de Plaguicidas (Pan American Health Organization) |
CLIP | Common Link Interface Processor |
CLIP | Combustion Life Improvement Package |
CLIP | Composite Liners in Pipelines |
CLIP | Country Logistics Improvement Program |
CLIP | Correctional Ladies Improving Pets (Illinois Department of Corrections) |
CLIP | Calling Line Identification Parameter |
CLIP | Commission Locale Interpartenaire (French) |
CLIP | Cancel Launch In Process |
CLIP | Center for Language and Information Processing |
CLIP | CUNY Language Immersion Program (Long Island City (Queens), NY) |
CLIP | Collective Limit Position |