CLLCenter for Learning and Leadership (various organizations)
CLLChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
CLLCircular Linked List (data structure)
CLLCommercial Lending and Leasing
CLLCorners of Last Layer (Rubik's Cube algorithm)
CLLCommunication Language and Literacy
CLLContract Limit Line
CLLCommission on Liquor Licensing (UK)
CLLCollege Station, TX, USA (Airport Code)
CLLCollege of Lifelong Learning
CLLCelestial Labs Ltd. (India)
CLLConveyor Logistics Limited (Bangladesh)
CLLCondominium Legal Liability (insurance)
CLLChief of Legislative Liaison
CLLCornell Law Library
CLLCorporate Lessons Learned (USACE)
CLLChronic Lymphatic Leukemia Foundation
CLLClub du Livre Libertaire (French: Libertarian Book Club)
CLLCapacitively-Loaded Loop
CLLChild Life-Line (est. 1994)
CLLCulture et Loisirs de Leuville (French: Leuville Culture and Recreation; Leuville-sur-Orge, France)