DCCADepartment of Community and Cultural Affairs
DCCADepartment of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
DCCADepartment of Commerce and Community Affairs
DCCADvd Copy Control Association
DCCADependable Computing for Critical Applications
DCCADependable Computing for Critical Applications (Conference)
DCCADelaware Center for the Contemporary Arts (Wilmington, DE)
DCCADebian Common Core Alliance
DCCADupont Circle Citizens Association
DCCADiameter Credit-Control Application
DCCADirectional Crossing Contractors Association
DCCADivision of Consumer and Community Affairs
DCCADistributed Component Computing Architecture
DCCADurham County Chess Association (UK)
DCCADownpayment and Closing Cost Assistance (various locations)
DCCADrying Control Chemical Additive
DCCADivision of Commissioned Corps Assignments
DCCADimethylcyclopropane Carboxylic Acid (insecticide)
DCCADogo Canario Club of America, Inc.
DCCADirect and Contiguous Compounding Area
DCCADesign Change Cost Analysis
DCCADual Channel Collision Avoidance
DCCADegraded Core Coolability
DCCADarlington's Children's Countryside Asssociation (UK)
DCCADisplay Circuit Card Assembly
DCCADiscrete Channel with Clarke's Autocorrelation (communication channel model)
DCCAData Center Certified Associate (Data Center University)