Acronym | Definition |
DASS | Digital Access Signaling System |
DASS | Direction des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales (French: Department of Health and Social Affairs; New Caledonia) |
DASS | Dialysis-Associated Steal Syndrome |
DASS | Distributed Authentication Security Service |
DASS | Distress Alerting Satellite System (DARPA) |
DASS | Defensive Aids Sub-System |
DASS | Département de l'Action Sociale et de la Santé |
DASS | Deputy Assistant Secretary of State |
DASS | Director of Adult Social Services (Department of Health; UK) |
DASS | Direct Access Secondary Storage |
DASS | Digital Acoustic Sensor Simulator |
DASS | Doppler Acoustic Sounding System |
DASS | Demand Assignment Signaling and Switching |
DASS | Digital Access Signaling Standard |
DASS | Direction Departmentale de l'Action Sanitaire et Sociale (Departmental Coordination of the Medical and Social Program, France) |
DASS | Diver's Air Support System |