Acronym | Definition |
DAST | Dental Assisting (coursework) |
DAST | Dassault Systemes SA |
DAST | Drug Abuse Screening Test |
DAST | diethylaminosulfur trifluoride |
DAST | Draw-a-Scientist Test |
DAST | Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism (Ireland) |
DAST | Derbyshire Asbestos Support Team |
DAST | Développement Durable, Aménagement, Société, Territoire (French: Sustainable Development, Planning, Society, Territory; University of Pau and the Adour Region; France) |
DAST | Distributed Applications Support Team (NLANR) |
DAST | Dyslexia Adult Screening Test |
DAST | Dynamic Application Security Testing |
DAST | Dedicated Autonomous Scan-based Testing |
DAST | (diethylamino) sulfur Trifluoride |
DAST | Diagonal Algebraic Space-Time |
DAST | Drupal Automated Staging Toolkit |
DAST | Drones for Aerodynamic and Structural Testing |
DAST | Diploma in Advanced Software Technology |
DAST | Deutsche Ausschuß für Stahlbau (Germany) |
DAST | Disaster Area Survey Team |
DAST | Department of Aviation Systems Training |
DAST | Disaster Assessment Survey Team (FEMA) |
DAST | Dedicated At Sea Test(ing) |
DAST | Delaware Administration for Specialized Transportation |
DAST | Division for Advanced Systems Technology |
DAST | Defense AUTODIN Subscriber Terminal |
DAST | Drink a Small Town |
DAST | Diploma for Advanced Study in Teaching |
DAST | Division of Road Technology Automation Brno |
DAST | Division of Applied Science & Technology |
DAST | Denver Audiometric Screening Test (Denver Developmental Materials, Inc.) |
DAST | 4'-Dimethyamino-N-Methyl-4-Stilbazolium Tosylate |
DAST | Days After Sequential Treatment |