Acronym | Definition |
CRP | C-Reactive Protein |
CRP | Conservation Reserve Program |
CRP | Center for Responsive Politics |
CRP | Cancer Research Program (various organizations) |
CRP | Coordinated Research Project (various organizations) |
CRP | Cyclic AMP (Adenosine Monophosphate) Receptor Protein |
CRP | Central Reserve Police |
CRP | Centre de Recherche Public (French: Public Research Center; Luxembourg) |
CRP | Collaborative Research Project (various organizations) |
CRP | Cardiac Rehabilitation Program |
CRP | Certified Relocation Professional |
CRP | Canalith-Repositioning Procedure (aka Epley Manuver) |
CRP | Collaborative Research Programme (EU) |
CRP | Covance Research Products (Denver, PA) |
CRP | Capacity Requirement(s) Planning |
CRP | Complex Regional Pain Syndrome |
CRP | Carbon-fiber Reinforced Plastic |
CRP | Centre Régional de Prévention (French: Regional Center for Prevention) |
CRP | Centre de Rééducation Professionnelle (French: Vocational Rehabilitation Center) |
CRP | Constituição da República Portuguesa (Portuguese Constitution) |
CRP | Cmos Reloading Program |
CRP | Customer Routing Point |
CRP | Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic |
CRP | cAMP Receptor Protein |
CRP | Community-based Restoration Program |
CRP | Child-Resistant Packaging |
CRP | Centre for Research Policy (University of Wollongong; Australia) |
CRP | County Road Project (Washington) |
CRP | Centre de Reconversion Professionnelle (French: Center for Retraining) |
CRP | Community Rehabilitation Program |
CRP | Community Resource Person (various organizations) |
CRP | Common Rail Pump (various companies) |
CRP | Community Relations Plan |
CRP | Conference Room Pilot |
CRP | Certified Risk Professional |
CRP | Crown Representative Police (India) |
CRP | Charles River Park (Boston, MA) |
CRP | Cysteine-Rich Protein |
CRP | Community Research Project (various organizations) |
CRP | Critical Rendering Path (website development) |
CRP | Cardiac Risk Panel |
CRP | Conflict Resolution Program (various locations) |
CRP | Centre de Ressources Partagées (French: Shared Resource Center) |
CRP | Coronary Risk Profile |
CRP | Charlotte Regional Partnership (Charlotte, NC) |
CRP | Certified Ratings Program (various organizations) |
CRP | Cultural Resource Protection (various organizations) |
CRP | Child Rights Programming (various organizations) |
CRP | Collaborative Research Partnership (US and India) |
CRP | Community & Regional Planning |
CRP | Complement Regulatory Protein |
CRP | Completion Report |
CRP | Constitutional Rights Project |
CRP | Cancer Research Portfolio (National Cancer Institute) |
CRP | Community Reintegration Program (various organizations) |
CRP | Customer Retention Program |
CRP | Certified Raindrop Practitioner (Natural Therapies Certification Board) |
CRP | Community Residential Program (various locations) |
CRP | Central Reference Point |
CRP | Center for Rural Pennsylvania |
CRP | Certified Rehabilitation Professional |
CRP | Cabinet de Recouvrement Poitevin (French: Cabinet Collection Poitevin) |
CRP | Central Receiving Point |
CRP | Caisse Réunionnaise de Prévoyance (French: Provident Fund Reunion; pensions) |
CRP | Consolidated Receiving Point |
CRP | Comprehensive Reading Program (various locations) |
CRP | Collagen-Related Peptide |
CRP | Common Reuse Principle |
CRP | Continuous Replenishment Planning (vendor-managed inventory transfer) |
CRP | Certified Retirement Planner |
CRP | Customer Reference Program (various businesses) |
CRP | Credit Recovery Program (education) |
CRP | Circuit Rider Program |
CRP | Cost Reduction Program |
CRP | Coordinated Research Program |
CRP | Club Roannais de Plongée (French diving club) |
CRP | Court Referral Program (various locations) |
CRP | Cross-Reacting Protein |
CRP | Crime Reduction Partnership (UK) |
CRP | Conditionnement, Routage & Publicité (French: Packaging, Advertising & Routing) |
CRP | Committee for the Re-Election of the President |
CRP | Comprehensive Reform Programme (AU) |
CRP | Control Running Programs (software) |
CRP | Control and Reporting Post |
CRP | Clinical Research Physician |
CRP | Computer Recycling Program (various organizations) |
CRP | Certified Recovery Planner |
CRP | Current Record Pointer (computing) |
CRP | Contract Requirements Package |
CRP | Customer Reward Program (various organizations) |
CRP | Crank Rod Pump (various companies) |
CRP | Command Repeat (ITU-T Rec. T.30) |
CRP | Commission Romande de Physique (French: Romande Physics Commission; Switzerland) |
CRP | Control Riser Platform (petroleum industry) |
CRP | Corrosion Resistant Products |
CRP | Controllable Reversible Pitch |
CRP | Computer Replacement Program (various universities) |
CRP | Campus Recruiting Program (various schools) |
CRP | Critical Reagents Program |
CRP | Congestion Relief Plan (traffic; various locations) |
CRP | Corpus Christi, TX, USA - Corpus Christi International Airport (Airport Code) |
CRP | Cooperative Resolution Program (USDA) |
CRP | Certified Reserve Planner (Real Estate Institute of Canada accreditation) |
CRP | Contingency Rated Power (maximum available engine power under emergency circumstances; military avation) |
CRP | Country Risk Premium (finance) |
CRP | Crisis Response Plan |
CRP | Chapter Recognition Program (various organizations) |
CRP | Central Railroad of Pennsylvania |
CRP | Cultural Resources Program |
CRP | Common Reference Platform (Apple) |
CRP | Consultant Relations Program (various businesses) |
CRP | Center for Research in Psychotherapy |
CRP | Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis |
CRP | Controlled Radical Polymerisation (chemistry) |
CRP | Configuration Requirements Processing (NASA) |
CRP | Certified Risk Planner |
CRP | Combat Readiness Percentage |
CRP | Cost Reduction Proposal |
CRP | Chronic Radiation Proctitis |
CRP | Control & Reporting Post (US DoD) |
CRP | Centre de Recherches Pédagogiques (French: Center for Pedagogical Research, Kinshasa) |
CRP | Creator's Rights Party |
CRP | Common Relevant Picture (US Army) |
CRP | Constrained Resource Planning |
CRP | Convention de Reclassement Personalisé (French: Personalized Reclassification Agreement; employee dismissal) |
CRP | COMSEC Resources Program |
CRP | Common Resource Pool |
CRP | Content Routing Protocol (Sprint) |
CRP | Committee for Responsive Politics |
CRP | Command Readiness Program |
CRP | Coronary Rehabilitation Program |
CRP | Clinical Rest Position |
CRP | Corneal-Retinal Potential |
CRP | Communication Radio Panel |
CRP | Combat Reconnaissance Platoon |
CRP | Centro de Reabilitação Penitenciária (Brazilian prison) |
CRP | Continuous Replacement Program |
CRP | Casualty Response Procedure |
CRP | Centre de Recherches Poly-Grames (French) |
CRP | Committee on Retired Personnel (SECNAV) |
CRP | Confluent Reticulate Papillomatosis |
CRP | Central Refill Pharmacy |
CRP | Control and Reporting Point |
CRP | Community Resurrection Partnership (Indianapolis, IN) |
CRP | Customer-Realized Price |
CRP | Chargeback Reporting Package (Vitel) |
CRP | Competitive Rate Program |
CRP | Contract Request Proposal |
CRP | Certified ROI (Return on Investment) Professional (various locations) |
CRP | Combat Replacement Platoon (US Marine Corps) |
CRP | Chart Recorder Peripheral |
CRP | Cryptologic Resources Program |
CRP | Customer Reference Portfolio |
CRP | Compression Refrigeration Plant |
CRP | Cyber Role Playing |
CRP | Centre de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire au CNRS (Center for Pluridisciplinary Researc at CNRS, Ivry France) |
CRP | Consejo Regional de Palenques (Spanish: Regional Council of Palenque; Palenque, Ecuador) |
CRP | Customer Relationship Policy (various companies) |