Acronym | Definition |
CPRA | California Public Records Act |
CPRA | Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority |
CPRA | Canadian Professional Rodeo Association |
CPRA | Central Progressive Retinal Atrophy |
CPRA | Colorado Parks and Recreation Association |
CPRA | Canadian Polystyrene Recycling Association |
CPRA | Colorado Professional Rodeo Association (est. 1975) |
CPRA | Canada Petroleum Resources Act |
CPRA | California Public-safety Radio Association |
CPRA | Canadian Parks/Recreation Association |
CPRA | Center for Performers Rights Administration |
CPRA | Center for Policy Research on Aging (Los Angeles, CA) |
CPRA | Comité Permanent de la Recherche Agricole |
CPRA | Collège Pathologie Respiratoire d'Alsace (French: Alsace College of Respiratory Pathology; Alsace, France) |
CPRA | Conseil Patrimoine Retraite Assurances (French: Investment Consulting Retirement Insurance) |
CPRA | Creative Property Rights Alliance |
CPRA | Calculated Panel Reactive Antibody |
CPRA | California Political Reform Act |
CPRA | Central Plains Rodeo Association |
CPRA | Canadian Pediatric Rheumatology Association |
CPRA | Civilian Police Review Authority |
CPRA | Colorado Professional Researchers for Advancement |
CPRA | Cebu Pistol and Rifle Association (Philippines) |
CPRA | Coal Price Regulation Account |
CPRA | Commercial Property Realty Advisors |
CPRA | California Parks and Recreation Association |
CPRA | Center for Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa (Washington, DC) |
CPRA | Commodity Pest Risk Assessments |
CPRA | Compressed Pulse Radar Altimeter |
CPRA | Coton Park Residents Association (UK) |
CPRA | California Public Radio Association |
CPRA | Congo Protestant Relief Agency |
CPRA | Concurrent Production/Rig Activity (oil industry) |