CPRFCommunist Party of the Russian Federation
CPRFCanadian Psychiatric Research Foundation
CPRFCerebral Palsy Research Foundation
CPRFCentral Pennsylvania Ragtime Festival (music; Rockhill Furnance, PA)
CPRFCollaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment
CPRFCommittee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland
CPRFCommunity Peace and Restoration Fund
CPRFCommon Plant Regulatory Factor
CPRFCanadian Purchasing Research Foundation
CPRFConfinement Physics Research Facility (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
CPRFCombined Piled-Raft Foundation
CPRFCaudal Pontine Reticular Formation
CPRFCopyproof Positive Receiving Film
CPRFControlled Pinch Reversed Field
CPRFCommand Patrol Reconnaissance Wing
CPRFContract Protocol Review Form
CPRFConnector Pressurized Rectangular Flange