Acronym | Definition |
CPRF | Communist Party of the Russian Federation |
CPRF | Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation |
CPRF | Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation |
CPRF | Central Pennsylvania Ragtime Festival (music; Rockhill Furnance, PA) |
CPRF | Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment |
CPRF | Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland |
CPRF | Community Peace and Restoration Fund |
CPRF | Common Plant Regulatory Factor |
CPRF | Canadian Purchasing Research Foundation |
CPRF | Confinement Physics Research Facility (Los Alamos National Laboratory) |
CPRF | Combined Piled-Raft Foundation |
CPRF | Caudal Pontine Reticular Formation |
CPRF | Copyproof Positive Receiving Film |
CPRF | Controlled Pinch Reversed Field |
CPRF | Command Patrol Reconnaissance Wing |
CPRF | Contract Protocol Review Form |
CPRF | Connector Pressurized Rectangular Flange |