Acronym | Definition |
CRSA | Conférence Régionale de La Santé et de l'Autonomie (French: Regional Conference of Health and Autonomy) |
CRSA | Clinical Robotic Surgery Association (est. 2009) |
CRSA | Child Rights Situation Analysis (various organizations) |
CRSA | Chinese Radio Sports Association |
CRSA | Centro di Ricerca e Sperimentazione in Agricoltura Basile Caramia (Italian agricultural research center) |
CRSA | Credit Risk Standardised Approach (finance) |
CRSA | Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology |
CRSA | Control Risk Self Assessment |
CRSA | Cap-Rouge/Saint-Augustin (Canada) |
CRSA | Carmel River Steelhead Association (Monterey, CA) |
CRSA | Coastal Resource Service Area |
CRSA | Costa Rica Study Abroad |
CRSA | Cars Radiator Springs Adventure (game) |
CRSA | Centrale Recherche SA (French research body) |
CRSA | Canadian Retail Shippers' Association (est. 1954) |
CRSA | Cedar River Soccer Association (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) |
CRSA | Cooperative Retirement Services of America |
CRSA | Craniosynostosis, Adelaide Type |
CRSA | Contrat de Rivière Sambre et Affluents (French: Sambre River and Tributaries Contract; Belgium) |
CRSA | Carers Recognition and Services Act (UK) |
CRSA | Connecticut River Salmon Association (Connecticut) |
CRSA | Canadian Regional Science Association |
CRSA | Colorado Revised Statutes Annotated |
CRSA | Community Residential Services Association |
CRSA | Cold Rolled Sections Association |
CRSA | Consumer Reports Safety Assessment |
CRSA | Corkscrew Road Service Area (Florida) |
CRSA | Cooper Roberts Simonsen Architects (Salt Lake City, UT) |
CRSA | Cellular Respiration Simulation Activity |
CRSA | Court Reporting Student Association |
CRSA | Colville River Special Area (Alaska) |
CRSA | Comparative Religion Students Association |
CRSA | Clan Rose Society of America |
CRSA | Crisis Response Service Award |
CRSA | Clinical Risk Self-Assessment |
CRSA | Committee on Resident and Student Affairs |
CRSA | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa |
CRSA | ConRail Shared Assets |
CRSA | Control Rod Scram Accumulator |
CRSA | Coral Reef Survey Assessment |
CRSA | Centralized Repair Service Attendant |
CRSA | Capital Region Sprintcar Agency (New York State) |
CRSA | Causal Requirements Safety Analysis |
CRSA | Coed Recreational Soccer Association |
CRSA | Coastal Resources Support Assistant |
CRSA | Corn and Rice Sellers Association |