CJCriminal Justice
CJCivilian Jeep (first civilian models of the post WWII Willys Jeep)
CJCommission Junction (website)
CJChief Justice
CJCayman Islands
CJCarl Johnson (gaming character, GTA: San Andreas)
CJCobra Jet (Ford engine)
CJComputer Journal
CJCounty Jail
CJCongressional Justification
CJCity Journal (Simcity 4)
CJCalvin Johnson
CJCourt of Justice
CJCitizen Journalist
CJCombined Joint (US DoD)
CJConcord Jazz (record label; Concord Music Group)
CJCave Johnson (gaming character)
CJCave Junction (Oregon)
CJCranberry Juice
CJClaim Jumper (Restaurant Chain)
CJChipper Jones (baseball player)
CJConsumption Junction
CJChaminade-Julienne (school in Dayton, OH)
CJCarl's Junior (fast food chain)
CJClassical Journal (American journal on classical history)
CJChris Jericho (wrestler)
CJCouncil Jurisdiction (UK)
CJCommodity Jurisdiction (State Department)
CJContact Juggling
CJCold Junction (thermocouple circuitry)
CJChairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCompany Jerk
CJCodejunkies (action replay website)
CJChristopher Judge (actor)
CJCasino Journal
CJCaptain Janeway (Star Trek character)
CJCable Jack
CJCircle Jump (gaming)
CJCyber Jockey (maniaTV)
CJCastlevania Judgment (video game)
CJCentijoule (energy unit)
CJCrane, Jib
CJJosephite Fathers (religious order)
CJCompression Joint
CJCaffeine Junkie
CJContractjack (PC video game)
CJCanadian Judgements
CJCompass Jade
CJCapital Justification
CJCumulative Jitter