Acronym | Definition |
DDE | Dynamic Data Exchange |
DDE | Dade City (Amtrak station code; Dade City, FL) |
DDE | Direction Departementale de l'Equipement |
DDE | Doctrine of Double Effect (healthcare) |
DDE | Direct Data Entry |
DDE | Diploma in Distance Education |
DDE | Daily Driven Exotics |
DDE | Distributed Discrete Event (computing) |
DDE | Demand Data Exchange (US DoD) |
DDE | Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene |
DDE | Diocesan Director of Education (various organizations) |
DDE | Design and Development Engineering |
DDE | Digital Diesel Electronics |
DDE | Dolby Digital Encoding |
DDE | Daylight Demon Eyes (auto headlights) |
DDE | Dwight David Eisenhower (34th President of the USA) |
DDE | Delay Differential Equation(s) |
DDE | Displacement Damage Effect |
DDE | Detail Design Engineering (UK) |
DDE | Direct Data Exchange |
DDE | Escort Destroyer (post-war DD conversion) |
DDE | Deep Dose Equivalent |
DDE | Department of Distance Education |
DDE | Double Data Entry |
DDE | Dichlorodiphenylethylene |
DDE | Deputy District Engineer (USACE) |
DDE | Device-Dependent Error (SESR bit - GPIB) |
DDE | Dirty Disc Error (Xbox) |
DDE | Data Distribution Equipment |
DDE | Digital Definition Exchange |
DDE | Data Dictionary Entry |
DDE | Directional Derivative Estimator |
DDE | DuPont Dai Nippon Engineering (joint partnership between DuPont Photomasks and Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.) |
DDE | Drug Dictionary Enhanced (Uppsala Monitoring Centre; Sweden) |
DDE | Daniel Displacement Engine (satellite station keeping) |
DDE | Designated Doctor Evaluation |