Acronym | Definition |
ACW | Arts Council of Wales |
ACW | Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh (Canada) |
ACW | American Civil War |
ACW | Arts Council of Wales (UK) |
ACW | Assessed Course Work |
ACW | Accesibility Wizard |
ACW | Air Control Wing |
ACW | Aero Club of Washington (Washington, DC) |
ACW | American Cord & Webbing (Woonsocket, RI) |
ACW | All Country World (market index) |
ACW | After Call Work (call centers) |
ACW | Alliance for Computers and Writing |
ACW | Antarctic Circumpolar Wave |
ACW | African Centre for Women |
ACW | Amplitude Control Word (electrical engineering) |
ACW | Anarchy Championship Wrestling (Texas) |
ACW | Advanced Conventional Weapons |
ACW | Aircraftwoman |
ACW | American Championship Wrestling |
ACW | Asylum Championship Wrestling (Colorado Springs, CO) |
ACW | Accessibility Wizard Settings (Microsoft XP file extension) |
ACW | Air Commando Wing |
ACW | Athletik Club Wrestling (Germany) |
ACW | Active Content Wizard (Microsoft Vista) |
ACW | Asbestos Containing Waste |
ACW | Association of Community Workers (UK) |
ACW | Aircraft Control & Warning |
ACW | Anterior Chest Wall |
ACW | Association Campanaire Wallonne (French: Campanarian Association of Wallonia; Belgium) |
ACW | Anglian Championship Wrestling (UK) |
ACW | Anglican Church Worldwide |
ACW | All Companies Working (firefighting) |
ACW | All Comments Welcome (Internet slang) |
ACW | Artificial Climbing Wall |
ACW | Audio Chord Wizard (Band in a Box) |
ACW | Advocates for Congolese Women (University of California, Santa Cruz) |
ACW | Air Coupled Woofer (audio engineering) |
ACW | Australian Corporate Writing (Australia) |
ACW | Acceptance of Completed Work |
ACW | Augmenting Charge Warhead |
ACW | Athlétique Club de Wambrechies (French: Wambrechies Athletic Club; Wambrechies, France) |
ACW | Aircharter World (Pleasant Hill, CA) |
ACW | Alternating Continuous Wave |
ACW | Anticarrier Warfare |
ACW | Actual Captures Worksheet (Sprint) |
ACW | Always Consistent With (shipping) |
ACW | Autocenter Werkstattpartner Gmbh (German automobile dealership) |