Acronym | Definition |
CLOA | Chief Leisure Officers Association |
CLOA | Combinaison Linéaire d'Orbitales Atomiques (French: Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals) |
CLOA | Certificate of Landownership Award |
CLOA | Chief Cultural & Leisure Officers Association (UK) |
CLOA | Cloudy Apple Juice |
CLOA | Conseil Local de l'Ordre des Architectes |
CLOA | Central Laboratory of Organic Agriculture |
CLOA | Connecticut Lacrosse Officials Association |
CLOA | Cedar Lake Owners Association (Wolcott, CT) |
CLOA | Corporate Legal Operations Association |
CLOA | Chief Legal Officers Association |
CLOA | Cylindrical Linear Oscillatory Actuator |
CLOA | Campus Landscape and Outdoor Art (subcommittee) |
CLOA | Claymore Oil Sands Sector ETF (stock symbol) |
CLOA | Committee on Learning Outcomes Assessment |
CLOA | Cross Landscapes of Ascot |
CLOA | Clear Length Overall |