Acronym | Definition |
CWP | College Works Painting (Irvine, CA) |
CWP | Cotswold Water Park (UK) |
CWP | Center for Watershed Protection |
CWP | Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics |
CWP | Cold Water Pipe |
CWP | Custom Web Publishing |
CWP | Communicating Word Processor |
CWP | Concealed Weapon Permit |
CWP | Chilled Water Pump |
CWP | Crow Wing Power (Brainerd, MN) |
CWP | Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis |
CWP | Certified Wellness Practitioner (professional certification) |
CWP | Center on Wealth and Philanthropy (Boston College) |
CWP | Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics (historical archive) |
CWP | Chronic Widespread Pain |
CWP | California Writing Project (education) |
CWP | Central Warning Panel (aircraft) |
CWP | Child Welfare Policy (various organizations) |
CWP | Center for Wave Phenomena (Colorado School of Mines) |
CWP | Certified Web Professional |
CWP | Citibank World Privileges (credit card perk) |
CWP | Conventional with Profits |
CWP | Comprehensive Writing Program (various locations) |
CWP | Community Wellness Program (various locations) |
CWP | Cold Working Pressure (valve engineering pressure rating) |
CWP | Contemporary World Problems (school subject) |
CWP | Clipper Windpower PLC (UK) |
CWP | Child Welfare Partnership |
CWP | Cold Weather Payment (UK) |
CWP | Causeway Pier (US DoD) |
CWP | Causeway Point |
CWP | Cooperative Water Program (USGS) |
CWP | Circulating Water Pump |
CWP | Citizens' Will Party (Mongolia) |
CWP | Censorware Project |
CWP | Central Winds Park (Winter Springs, FL) |
CWP | Coalition Warfare Program |
CWP | Crown Wheel and Pinion (automotive gearing) |
CWP | Citizens Wilderness Proposal (Colorado) |
CWP | Core Writing Program (various schools) |
CWP | Cardiac Wellness Program (healthcare) |
CWP | Central Weather Processor |
CWP | Cumbersome Work Practices |
CWP | Computational Wave Propagation |
CWP | Capital Works Program (Australia) |
CWP | Construction Work Package |
CWP | Centimeters of Water Pressure (used with CPAP) |
CWP | Controlled Work Package |
CWP | Cost Work Program |
CWP | Childbirth Without Pain |
CWP | Compliance Work Plan |
CWP | Cotton Wool Pledget |
CWP | Contingency Wartime Planning |
CWP | Cell Wall-Associated Protein (microbiology) |
CWP | Certified Water Professional (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment) |
CWP | Close Without Payment (insurance company term for claims closed without any payments) |
CWP | Chemical Weapons Plant |
CWP | Chicago, West Pullman, and Southern Railroad Company |
CWP | Compression Water Injection Platform |
CWP | Continuous Wiener Process (Oscar Mayer) |
CWP | Communicating Word Processors |
CWP | Conceptual Work Plan |
CWP | Consolidated WWMCCS Program |
CWP | Choson Worker's Party |
CWP | Cutover Window Plan (web based application) |
CWP | Commonwealth Printing |
CWP | Community Wildlife Programme (Kenya) |