Acronym | Definition |
COA | Coat of Arms |
COA | Center for Online Addiction |
COA | Certificate Of Authenticity |
COA | Coenzyme A (cellular respiration) |
COA | Certificate of Analysis |
COA | Commission on Audit (Philippines) |
COA | College of Arts |
COA | Council of Agriculture (Taiwan) |
COA | Council on Aging |
COA | Court of Appeals |
COA | Center of Activity |
COA | College of the Atlantic (Bar Harbor, Maine, USA) |
COA | Chart Of Accounts |
COA | Company of Animals (various locations) |
COA | Cost of Attendance |
COA | Community of Action |
COA | Council on Accreditation |
COA | Conditions of Access (various organizations) |
COA | Center of Attention |
COA | College of Architecture (various organizations) |
COA | Change of Address |
COA | College of Arms (English heraldic authority) |
COA | City of Austin (Texas) |
COA | Certificate of Approval (Australia, permit to discharge into environment) |
COA | Care-Of Address |
COA | Communities of America (Tampa Bay, FL) |
COA | Condition of Approval |
COA | Certificate of Authority |
COA | Certificate of Acceptance (New Zealand construction) |
COA | Committee on Accreditation |
COA | Commission on Aging (various locations) |
COA | Course Of Action |
COA | Choice of Arm (cadet regiment selection) |
COA | Conditions of Acceptance (various organizations) |
COA | Cost of Acquisition |
COA | Change of Authorization (networks) |
COA | Commonwealth of Australia |
COA | Committee of Adjustment (Canada) |
COA | Comité Olympique Algérien (French: Algerian Olympic Committee; Algeria) |
COA | Certificate of Authorization (FAA - UAS operations in the national air space) |
COA | Continental Air Lines (ICAO code) |
COA | Care for Older Adults (various organizations) |
COA | Courses of Action |
COA | City of Amarillo |
COA | Coming of Age |
COA | Coarctation of Aorta |
COA | Certificate of Appreciation |
COA | Centraal orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers |
COA | Category of Aid (healthcare) |
COA | Comptroller Of the Army |
COA | Clinical Outcome Assessment |
COA | Certificate of Appealability (judiciary) |
COA | Condo Owners Association (various locations) |
COA | Condominium Owners Association (various locations) |
COA | Certificate of Airworthiness |
COA | Cheerleaders of America |
COA | City of Anaheim |
COA | City of Albuquerque |
COA | Change Of Assignment |
COA | Commission of Accreditation |
COA | Center of Automotive (University of Applied Sciences; Germany) |
COA | Contract of Afreightment (shipping) |
COA | Conditions of Acceptability (various companies) |
COA | Clean Ocean Action |
COA | Change of Authorization |
COA | Confirm on Arrival |
COA | Care of Address |
COA | Country of Assembly |
COA | Compliance Oriented Architecture |
COA | Change of Atmosphere (est. 2000) |
COA | Canadian Olympic Association |
COA | Commissioned Officers Association (of the United States Public Health Service) |
COA | Canada-Ontario Agreement |
COA | Child of Alcoholic (support group) |
COA | Committee on Admissions |
COA | Commission on Athletics |
COA | Committee on Administration (various organizations) |
COA | Conchologists of America |
COA | Club d'Ornithologie d'Ahuntsic (French: Ahuntsic Ornithological Club; Ahuntsic, Canada) |
COA | Central Office of Architecture |
COA | Center for Organic Agriculture (University of Florida) |
COA | Confirmation on Arrival (computing) |
COA | Clear on Arrival |
COA | Court of Auditors (EU) |
COA | Creative Outdoor Advertising (Jupiter, FL) |
COA | Clowns of America |
COA | City of Ashes |
COA | Community Outreach Activity (various organizations) |
COA | Certified Ophthalmic Assistant |
COA | Coopérative Ouvrière d'Ameublement (French: Cooperative Workers of Furniture) |
COA | Club Olympique Avallonnais (French: Avallon Olympic Club; Avallon, France) |
COA | Center Operations Area (NASA) |
COA | Classic Open Air (festival; Germany) |
COA | Court of Audit (Lebanon) |
COA | Casino Operators Association (UK) |
COA | Cédula de Operación Anual (Mexico) |
COA | California Orthopaedic Association |
COA | Commission on Opticianry Accreditation |
COA | Centrale Ornithologique Aves (French ornithology center; Belgium) |
COA | Collection Agreements |
COA | Competitive Operating Agreement |
COA | Clinical Operations Associate |
COA | Crown of Ages (Diablo II item) |
COA | Club Ornithologique d'Argentat (French ornithological club) |
COA | Cercle des Ours Andennais (French; Belgian student organization) |
COA | Code of Arms (Dubstep Record Label) |
COA | New Hampshire Conference on Aging |
COA | Central Operating Authority (NATO) |
COA | Connection Approval Office |
COA | Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam |
COA | Canadian Ostrich Association |
COA | Coaliton of Anti-Pirates (gaming) |
COA | Connecticut Opticians Association |
COA | Canadian Osteopathic Association |
COA | Change Over Acknowledgement |
COA | Calli Ollin Academy (Tucson, AZ) |
COA | Circle of Awareness (skydiving instruction) |
COA | American Conger (FAO fish species code) |
COA | Cover Our Asses |
COA | Coastal Ocean Activities |
COA | Conscious, Oriented, Alert (assessment by paramedics) |
COA | Certificate in Offshore Administration (Island of Jersey, benchmark financial qualification) |
COA | Change Order Account |
COA | Cryogenic Optical Assembly |
COA | Computer Operations Administrator |
COA | Current Operating Allowances |
COA | Chesapeake Oyster Alliance (coalition) |
COA | Call on Arrival (shipping) |
COA | Customer Owned Assets |
COA | Charlie's Other Angels |
COA | California Olive Association (Sacramento, CA) |
COA | Coupled Oscillator Array |
COA | Cult of Angels (modeling group) |