ESSElectronic Switching System
ESSEuropean Social Survey
ESSEarth and Space Sciences
ESSEmployee Self Service
ESSEconomie Sociale et Solidaire (French: Social Economy and Solidarity)
ESSESPN (Entertainment and Sports Programming Network) Star Sports
ESSEncyclopedia of the Social Sciences
ESSExploring the Solar System (astronomy education)
ESSEnergy Storage System
ESSEnglish Springer Spaniel (dog)
ESSElectronic Switching System (telephone central office exchange)
ESSElementary Science Study (various organizations)
ESSEuropean Spallation Source
ESSEnvironmental Stress Screening
ESSEndpoint Security Suite (software)
ESSExtended Service Set (IEEE 802.11 wireless networking)
ESSEkahau Site Survey (software)
ESSEarth System Science
ESSEye Safety System (eyewear; Ketchum, ID)
ESSEnterprise Storage Server
ESSExceptional Student Services (various locations)
ESSEpworth Sleepiness Scale
ESSEnrollment and Student Services (various schools)
ESSEarth Sciences Sector (Natural Resources Canada)
ESSElectronic Safety and Security (various organizations)
ESSEpiscopal Social Services (various locations)
ESSEmergency Social Services
ESSEducational Services Section
ESSEntente Sportive Sétifienne (Algérian sports club)
ESSEnterprise Software Solutions (various organizations)
ESSEuropean Simulation Symposium (computer simulation)
ESSEnvironmental Software and Services (Austria)
ESSEtoile Sportive du Sahel (Sousse, Tunisia)
ESSExtended Service Set
ESSEncoder Status Summary
ESSEntitled Software Support
ESSEnterprise Solution Sales
ESSEvent System Service
ESSEmbedded Security Subsystem
ESSEssential Support Services
ESSEasy Spreadsheet
ESSExecutive Support Systems
ESSElectronic Stability System
ESSEuropean Sport Sedan
ESSEnhanced Security Services
ESSEquipment Support Structures
ESSElectronic Spark Selection
ESSEnhanced Speed Step
ESSEmacs Speaks Statistics
ESSEducational Support Staff (various locations)
ESSEuropean Security Strategy (EU)
ESSEnterprise Support Services (various locations)
ESSEmergency Shutdown System (industrial process control)
ESSEpidemiological Surveillance System
ESSEuropean Statistical System
ESSEndoscopic Sinus Surgery
ESSEvolutionary Stable Strategy
ESSEngineering Support Service (various organizations)
ESSEducational Support Services
ESSEmployee Screening Services (various locations)
ESSEarth-Sun System (US NASA)
ESSEngineering Services & Software (Ocean Springs, MS)
ESSEnglish Summer School (various locations)
ESSEmployee Share Scheme
ESSEmbedded Software Services
ESSExecutive Support System
ESSElectronic Security System
ESSEthernet Serial Server (computing; various companies)
ESSEspérance Sportive de Stains (French sports club)
ESSEthernet Service Switch (Alcatel)
ESSEndometrial Stromal Sarcoma (uterine cancer)
ESSEastern Sociological Society
ESSExercise and Sports Science
ESSEurest Support Services (Compass Group)
ESSÉquipe de Suivi de la Scolarisation (French: School Enrollment Monitoring Team)
ESSEconomics and Statistics System (agriculture project; Cornell University Ithaca, NY)
ESSEmployee Sex Survey
ESSEffective Selling Skills (various companies)
ESSElection Systems and Software
ESSExclusive Sensor System (sewing)
ESSEnterprise Storage System
ESSElectronic Self Service (various organizations)
ESSExonic Splicing Silencer
ESSEngineering Students' Society (various universities)
ESSExperimental Surgical Services (Minnesota)
ESSEnterprise Search Summit (forum)
ESSEngineering Support System
ESSEngineering Systems Solutions
ESSEnterprise Security System
ESSEntering Student Survey (various schools)
ESSEmergency Support Services
ESSEscrow Encryption Standard
ESSEntente Sportive Sartrouville (French sports club)
ESSAteneo Environmental Science Society (Philippines)
ESSEngine Speed Sensor
ESSElectrostatic Sensitive (devices)
ESSExecutive Seminar Series (various organizations)
ESSEngagement Simulation System
ESSEducation Support Service (educational branch of UNICEF)
ESSEthiopian Scientific Society
ESSEmergency Stop Switch
ESSEmpowered Software Solutions
ESSElectronic Still Store (Ampex)
ESSEuropean Shiatsu School
ESSEnvironmental Support System
ESSElectronic Security Squadron (USAF)
ESSEmbedded Security System
ESSEngine Synchro Shift
ESSExternal Style Sheet
ESSEnvironmental Science Services, Inc.
ESSEconomic Self-Sufficiency Services
ESSElectronic Support System (subsystem to AWACS aircraft)
ESSEngine Starting System
ESSEnforcement Support Services
ESSEnterprise Syndication Solution (software)
ESSEgyptian Study Society (Denver, CO)
ESSEconomic Support Specialist
ESSExtra Statement Set
ESSEnterprise Systems Solutions
ESSEducation and Science Society
ESSEarth Stabilization Solutions (Contech)
ESSExponential Sequence Scheme (computer algorithms)
ESSEvaluation Survey Services (ACT, Inc.)
ESSExpeditionary Support Squadron
ESSEnvironmental Somatization Syndrome
ESSEarly Sound Scattering (acoustics)
ESSElectronic Scoring Site
ESSErrored Seconds - Section (Telabs)
ESSEnterasys Security Specialist
ESSExternal Storage System
ESSEarth Simulator System (NEC supercomputer)
ESSExplosive Safety Standards
ESSErnestown Secondary School (Ontario, Canada)
ESSExonic Splicing Suppressor
ESSExperiment Support System
ESSEvery Show Sucks (Internet TV channel)
ESSEnvironmental Survey Satellite
ESSExploitation Support System
ESSEnlarged Scrotum Syndrome
ESSEuropean Snake Society
ESSEarth and Space Sciences Division
ESSElectronic Source Selection
ESSELINT Support System
ESSEthernet Switch System (Alcatel)
ESSEstimating System Survey
ESSEmergency Service Squad
ESSElectronic/Environmental Stress Screening
ESSElectrical Standards Set
ESSEmployee Satisfaction Score (Sprint)
ESSEnhanced Storage Solution (i-drive)
ESSExercise Scoring System (US Coast Guard)
ESSEnhanced Sea Sparrow
ESSEngineering Support Subsystem
ESSEuropean Stars and Stripes
ESSEnvironmental Sampling Supply, Inc. (environmental sample equipment)
ESSExhaustive Service Scheduling
ESSEagles Service Society
ESSElectronic Support Section (part of Inertial Upper Stage Solid Rocket, Boeing)
ESSExact Stochastic Simulation (chemistry)
ESSESET (Executive Security & Engineering Technologies, Inc.) Smart Security (antivirus software)
ESSEcologically Sound System
ESSExploration System of Systems (NASA)
ESSEngineering Equipment Surveillance System
ESSExpeditionary Support Ship
ESSElectromagnetic Silencing System
ESSEnvironmental Satellite Subpanel
ESSEcho Suppression Subsystem
ESSElectrostatic Sensors
ESSElectro Slag Surfacing
ESSElanora State School (Gold Coast, Australia)
ESSEngineered Safeguard System
ESSElectronic Support Shelter
ESSEarly Supply Support
ESSÉvénement Significatif pour la Sûreté (French: Significant Event for Safety)
ESSEmergency Spray System
ESSElectrical Shutdown System
ESSEmployment Scheduling System
ESSExtendable Support Structures (structure that supports solar arrays for space-based systems)
ESSExploration Support Segment
ESSEnterprise Structure Study
ESSEgyptian Student Society
ESSElectronics System Sector
ESSEntomological Society of Saskatchewan (Canada)
ESSEmergency Safing System
ESSEnterprise Systems Status
ESSEarth Sensor Scan
ESSElementary Stepwise System (networks)
ESSExplosive Safety Survey
ESSElectronic Intelligence Support System
ESSExpendable Signal System
ESSEnhanced Signaling System
ESSExpendable Sound Source
ESSEntity Structure Step
ESSExtraction Steam System (nuclear Industry)