DNRDo Not Resuscitate
DNRDepartment of Natural Resources
DNRDigital Noise Reduction
DNRDonetsk People's Republic (Ukraine)
DNRDo Not Remove
DNRDid Not Register (racing)
DNRDo Not Reply
DNRDynamic Noise Reduction
DNRDe Nieuwe Regeling (Dutch: The New Rules)
DNRDomain Name Registration
DNRDreams Not Reality (band)
DNRDotnetRocks (.NET software radio show)
DNRDolby Noise Reduction
DNRDisable Nested Reassign
DNRData Network Routing
DNRDepartment of National Registration (Maldives)
DNRDeutsche Naturschutzring (German: German Nature Ring)
DNRDid Not Report
DNRDet Norske Radiumhospital (Norwegian: Norwegian Radium Hospital)
DNRDo Not Remember (adoption)
DNRDo Not Reduce
DNRDo Not Reproduce
DNRDienst Nationale Recherche (Dutch: National Criminal Investigation Service)
DNRDomain Name Resolver
DNRDescriptions de Niveaux de Référence (French: Description of Reference Levels)
DNRDialed Number Recorder
DNRDynamic Neutron Radiography
DNRDo Not Revert (Ciena)
DNRDo Not Revive (less common)
DNRDry Natural Rubber
DNRData Network Report
DNRDo Not Refrigerate
DNRDynamic Network Routing
DNRDrive Not Ready (computer error)
DNRDepartment of National Revenue (Canadian)
DNRDrop And Run (medical)
DNRDirector Naval Reserves
DNRDo Not Reorder
DNRDistance-To-Noise Ratio
DNRDiazonaphthoquinone Novalac Resist
DNRDepartment of Naval Research
DNRData Network Redesign
DNRDigital Network Radio
DNRDundee Newtyle Railway
DNRDirector of Naval Reactors (US Navy)