Acronym | Definition |
DNS | Domain Name System |
DNS | Domain Name Service |
DNS | Did Not Start (auto racing) |
DNS | Direct Numerical Simulation |
DNS | Dainippon Screen (Japan) |
DNS | Den Nationale Scene (Norwegian: The National Scence) |
DNS | Did Not Show |
DNS | Desoxyribonukleinsäure (German: DNA) |
DNS | Do Not Sell |
DNS | Direction Nationale de la Statistique (French: National Directorate of Statistics; Guinea) |
DNS | Distributed Name Service |
DNS | Data Networking System |
DNS | Digital Network Systems |
DNS | Distinguished Names |
DNS | Domain Name Server |
DNS | Data Network Services |
DNS | Det Norske Studentersamfund (Norwegian: Norwegian Students' Society) |
DNS | Degree Network System (Servicemembers Opportunities College) |
DNS | Determination of Non Significance |
DNS | Double Neutron Stars (astronomy) |
DNS | Digital Network Solutions (various locations) |
DNS | Delaware Nature Society |
DNS | Director of Nursing Services |
DNS | Division of Nuclear Safety |
DNS | Debt-for-Nature Swap |
DNS | Data Network Services (Richmond, Virginia) |
DNS | Dubai National School (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) |
DNS | Digital Nervous System |
DNS | Dansyl |
DNS | Data Not Shown |
DNS | Domain Name Server/Service |
DNS | Digital Natural Sound (recording studio; Germany) |
DNS | Do Not Stuff (electronics manufacturing) |
DNS | Deviated Nasal Septum |
DNS | Distant Network Service |
DNS | Defense Nuclear Security (National Nuclear Security Administration) |
DNS | Dynamic Name Server |
DNS | Do Not Survey |
DNS | Do Not Schedule |
DNS | Dark Northern Spring (wheat) |
DNS | Debt Negotiation Services (Boynton Beach, FL) |
DNS | Do Not Substitute (pharmacy directive) |
DNS | Daily Nutritional Support (health supplement) |
DNS | Director, Navy Staff |
DNS | Defense National Stockpile |
DNS | Devoir Non Surveillé (French: Need Not Supervise) |
DNS | Department of Nuclear Safety (FEMA) |
DNS | Decca Navigator System (RadioNavigation-Commission of Irish Lights) |
DNS | Doppler Navigation System |
DNS | Den Norske Studentersangforening |
DNS | Dog N Suds (drive-in restaurant) |
DNS | Day & Night Sight |
DNS | Date Not Specified |
DNS | Diffuse Neutron Scattering |
DNS | Day/Night Scope |
DNS | Drowning Non-Swimmer (lifeguarding) |
DNS | Delta Network Systems |
DNS | Diablo Numismatic Society |
DNS | Dragon Naturally Speaking (voice recognition) |
DNS | Dremel Net Solutions LLC |
DNS | Doppler Navigation Sensor |
DNS | Dextrose Normal Saline |
DNS | Drunk 'n Stupid (band) |
DNS | Division of Nutritional Services |
DNS | Digital Network Switch |
DNS | Dinitrosalycilate (biochemistry) |
DNS | Dundee Naturalists' Society (Scotland, UK) |
DNS | Domain Naming System |
DNS | Dinitrosalicylic Acid |
DNS | Doctor of Nursing Science |