Acronym | Definition |
CJL | Communauté Juive Libérale (French: Liberal Jewish Community) |
CJL | Center for Jewish Life |
CJL | Coastal Jurisdiction Line (Connecticut) |
CJL | Canadian Journal of Linguistics (Canadian Linguistic Association) |
CJL | Citibank Japan Limited |
CJL | Cristalino Jungle Lodge (Brazil) |
CJL | Club des Jeunes de Luneray (French youth badminton club) |
CJL | Center for Jewish Living at Cornell (Ithaca, New York) |
CJL | Certified Journeyman Locksmith |
CJL | Correspondence of John Locke (book) |
CJL | Club Jeunesse et Loisirs (French: Youth and Leisure Club) |