Acronym | Definition |
CJO | Crude Jatropha Oil |
CJO | Cambridge Journals Online (Cambridge University Press; UK) |
CJO | Cleveland Jazz Orchestra (Cleveland, OH) |
CJO | Chicago Jazz Orchestra (Chicago, IL) |
CJO | Conditional Job Offer |
CJO | Customer Journey Optimization (online marketing) |
CJO | Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology |
CJO | Certified Jail Officer (American Jail Association) |
CJO | Chief of Joint Operations |
CJO | County Junior Orchestra (UK) |
CJO | Chief Janitorial Officer (various companies) |
CJO | Chief Judicial Officer |
CJO | Chemical Journals Online |
CJO | Collège des Jeunes Orthopédistes (French: College of Young Orthopaedists; est. 1997) |
CJO | Combined Joint Operations |
CJO | Carolina Journal Online (est. 1991; John Locke Foundation) |
CJO | Création Joaillerie Orfèvrerie (French jewelry company) |
CJO | Conseils Juristes Ouest (French law firm) |