Acronym | Definition |
DIM | Dimanche (French: Sunday) |
DIM | Dimension |
DIM | Do It Myself |
DIM | Diminished (Chord; Music) |
DIM | Diminutive |
DIM | Diindolylmethane |
DIM | Département de l'Intérieur et de la Mobilité (French: Department of the Interior and Mobility; Switzerland) |
DIM | Diminuendo (Music, Gradual Decrease of Tone) |
DIM | Domaines d'Intérêt Majeur (French: Areas of Major Interest) |
DIM | Département d'Information Médicale (French: Department of Medical Information) |
DIM | Desktop Information Manager |
DIM | Distributed Information Management |
DIM | Dynamic Information Manager |
DIM | Dual Inline Module |
DIM | Dithered Index Modulation |
DIM | Dynamic Interface Manager |
DIM | Document Image Processing |
DIM | Design Interface Meeting |
DIM | Digital Identity Management (Workshop) |
DIM | Differential Image Motion |
DIM | Dialogue Interreligieux Monastique (French: Monastic Interreligious Dialogue) |
DIM | Dust Impact Monitor (astronomy) |
DIM | Diffusion d'Instruments de Mesure (French: Dissemination of Measuring Instruments) |
DIM | Days in Milk |
DIM | Di-Indole Methane |
DIM | Diffusion Internationale du Meuble (French furniture company) |
DIM | Deportivo Independiente Medellín (Colombia soccer club) |
DIM | Drop-In Module |
DIM | Device Interface Module |
DIM | Directional Inertia Mechanism (oil exploration) |
DIM | Director of Information Management |
DIM | Data Input Module |
DIM | Digital Interface Module |
DIM | Digital Image Model |
DIM | Directorate of Information Management |
DIM | Dial In Modem |
DIM | Data Interpretation Module |
DIM | Detection Identification & Monitoring |
DIM | Dash Integration Module (General Motors) |
DIM | Defense Information Management |
DIM | Diffuse Iris Melanoma (eye tumor) |
DIM | Diatomics-In-Molecule |
DIM | Data Input Message |
DIM | Document Imaging Management system |
DIM | Dealer Installed Memory |
DIM | Discrete Interface Module |
DIM | Digital Interface Monitor |
DIM | Double Interpolation Method |
DIM | Design Independent Model |
DIM | District Industrial Manager |
DIM | Dead, Injured, Missing |
DIM | Distributed Isolated Media |
DIM | Data Interchange Monitor |
DIM | Dynamically Inert Missile |
DIM | Distance-Increasing Mapping |
DIM | Description, Installation, and Maintenance |
DIM | Data in the Midddle |
DIM | Dynamic Interrupt Mode |