Acronym | Definition |
DIME | Designs in Machine Embroidery (magazine) |
DIME | Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (Microsoft) |
DIME | Dxf Import Manipulation and Export |
DIME | Direct Memory Execute |
DIME | Direct Internet Message Encapsulation |
DIME | Diameter Maintenance and Extensions |
DIME | Dense Inert Metal Explosive (ammunition) |
DIME | Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (social scientist network) |
DIME | Direct Memory Execute (AGP video cards) |
DIME | Dual Independent Map Encoding |
DIME | Dropping in a Microgravity Environment (student competition; US NASA) |
DIME | Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (various locations) |
DIME | Diplomatic, Information, Military, and Economic |
DIME | Distributed Irregular Mesh Environment |
DIME | Desktop Integrated Media Environment |
DIME | Département Ingénierie des Médias pour l'Education (French: Engineering Department for Education Media) |
DIME | Dynamic Infrared Missile Evaluator |
DIME | Digital Integrated Modeling Environment |
DIME | Distributed Memory Environment |
DIME | Database Integrity Monitoring Equipment |
DIME | Division Independent Medical Examinations (Colorado Division of Workers' Compensation) |
DIME | DEM Integrity Monitor Experiment (DEM = Digital Elevation Model) |
DIME | Development of Integrated Monetary Electronics |
DIME | Diplomacy, Intelligence, Military, Economics |