DHLDalsey, Hillblom and Lynn (founders of DHL Worldwide Express)
DHLDHL Airways (ICAO code)
DHLDag Hammarskjöld Library (UN)
DHLDownloadable History Log
DHLDesarrollo Humano Local (Spanish: Local Human Development)
DHLDoctor of Humane Letters (degree)
DHLDivision Hydraulique Levage (French: Hydraulic Lift Division)
DHLDiffuse Histiocytic Lymphoma (medical disorder)
DHLDynamic Head Loading
DHLDoubled Haploid Lines
DHLDistemper Hepatitis Leptospirosis (dog vaccine)
DHLDoctor of Hebrew Literature
DHLDesign Heat Load
DHLDegree of Honor Lodge (Masons)
DHLDeck Hatch Latched