DHTDistributed Hash Table (network storage)
DHTDundee Heritage Trust (UK)
DHTDistributed Hash Table
DHTDigital Home Theatre
DHTDolby Home Theatre
DHTDocuments pour l'Histoire des Techniques (French: Documents for the History of Technology)
DHTDistrict Health Team (various locations)
DHTDistillate Hydrotreater (refinery processing unit)
DHTDigital Home Theater
DHTDanger Hardcore Team (record label)
DHTDavid Hume Tower (Edinburgh University)
DHTDartington Hall Trust (UK)
DHTDirectly Heated Triode
DHTdance.house.trance (band)
DHTDeputy Head Teacher (UK)
DHTDobhoff Tube (feeding tube)
DHTDown Hole Tool (Petrostar Corporation)
DHTDental Hi Tec (France)
DHTDiesel Hydro-Treater
DHTDelayed Hypersensitivity Test (immunology)
DHTSaskatchewan Highways and Transportation (Canada; also seen as SHT)
DHTDecimation-Hadamard Transform
DHTDiversity Handover Trunk
DHTDiscrete Harley Transform
DHTDehydrogenation Heat Treatment